Meta:2.4/Wiki Tasks/Blender 2.46
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2011年12月29日 (木) 19:45時点におけるwiki>Mindronesによる版 (moving the text that was in Meta:Wiki Tasks/Game Engine here, in order to redirect that page here(cleanup))
Blender 2.46
Well, this promises to be yet another leap forward. We have changes in just about every window and panel, more nodes, more options, more more more. Here's the list. we now have Developer|RELEASE NOTES.
Please add as you find more stuff to do. Comprehensive changes affecting many areas:
User Manual
This section is a specific task list for updates that need to be made to the User Manual. Install/Overview/General
- doneRoger Release History
- doneRoger 3D View Transform Orientations
- doneRoger Image browser, useful in Append or Link
- to doManual/SculptMode sculpt brush, anchor as per [1]
- to doManual/Cloth
- to doManual/Bevel Modifier - to doManual/Explode Modifier
- to doManual/Mesh Deform Modifier
- to doManual/Particle Instance Modifier
- to doManual/Soft Bodies need jello and walking jello examples, pointcache update
- to doManual/Shape_Keys VGroup and basis key selector
- to doshadow adaptive sampling, this cubic thing
- to doLamp, Area, Spot light now have many more options
Shading - Materials, Textures, UV unwrap
- Particle Attributes selector on Map To panel - whole new set of options for particle system
- doneRoger Mirror Transp panel Ray Mirror options
- to doMirror Transp panel Ray Transp options
- to doTexture Tiles
- to doUV Unwrap is now U in Edit mode, not a separate mode
- to doWorld AO Raytrace vs Approximate, panel changes, options
- to doStrand popup, Use Blender Units makes more closer to camera??
New Material Nodes:
- to doCamera Data node
- to doExtended Material input node
- to doInvert node
- to doHSV node
- to doVector Curves node
- to doMath node
- to doVector Math
- to doSqueeze node
- to doSeparate/Combine RGB node
- to doDynamic Python Shadernode
- to doProbably need to Nodes split page up
- No more UV Face Select there is a whole section that needs to be revisited...
Compositing nodes
- doneRoger Color Bright/Contrast
- doneRoger Color Gamma
- doneRoger Invert
- to doColor ToneMap
- to doVector Normalize
- to doFilter Directional Blur
- to doFilter Bilateral Blur
- to doFilter Glare
- to doDistort Lens Distortion
- to doRender Buttons now has Sequencer subcontext. Provides everything you want to know about a strip and tons of great options. 4 panels for Reference/Panels/Scene/Sequencer
- Select Handles and Strips to the Left/Right
- to doHistogram View
- to doZebra Strips for Overexposed areas
- to doTitle safe area display
- in progressRoger Render Layers panel
- to doRender Pipeline ZMask
- to doRender Passes Mist
- to doRender Passes Other...Rad??
- to do
- doneRender Stamp panel - overlays filename/date/timestamp- created Reference/Panels/Scene/Render/Stamp and refer to it on Manual/Rendering
- to doWorld settings is outdated, vague. Need examples of angmap etc
Physics and Particles
- doneJimmyVolatile Tutorials/Particles-Fireworks - Complete and published.
- in progressJimmyVolatile Sandbox/Particles
- in progressJimmyVolatile Manual/Particles - Updating the manual to the new 2.47 particle system
- Three engines, 4 panels, options galore. Dev seems to be working on good docs
- I'm working on the particle documentation, but my english really needs correction. --Soylentgreen 20:12, 5 February 2008 (CET)
- Strand -impact on Material, rendering
- in progressRoger Softbody revisions
- to doManual/The_Action_Editor needs love. see
- anything else? Edit this paragraph!
Game Engine: Apricot Build
- to doFeatures coded by Ben2610
- to doFeatures coded by malCando
- to doFeatures coded by venomgfx
- to doFeatures coded brecht
- to doFeatures coded campbell/ideasman42
- to doFeatures coded chris
Game Engine: Older Releases
- 2.46 -
- to do1 2D Filters
- to do2 Delta Loc/Rot/Scale Ipo
- to do3 rayCastTo
- to do4 speedups
- to do5 Mesh replacement in BGE will react properly to armature deform
- to do6 enable negative axis radar sensor
- to do7 Realtime SetParent function in the BGE
- to do8 ESCKey
- to do9 getLinearVelocity
- 2.43 -
- to doGame Engine Physics
- to doGame Engine Graphics and Logic
- to doKeep BSoD/Introduction to the Game Engine up to date with the manual/Release Notes.
Reference Manual
I think it is time to bring this resource into play for these more complicated features: