Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Modeling/Geodesic Domes

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2018年6月29日 (金) 04:52時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Geodesic Domes
Object modelling toolkit. Several tools to aid object creation.
UI location View3D > Toolshelf ( T key )
Usage In Object mode create multiple object types & modify their parameters.
Version 0.3.1 Author(s) Andy Houston (serendipiti), meta-androcto, Peter Gragert (PKHG)
Blender 2.70 License GPL
Category Mesh Distribution Contrib

Executable information
File name in folder geodesic_domes
Current version download [[1]] at Google Docs (for now)
Python modules to be done
External Python Modules or dependencies to be done
Data to be done

Warning this script is in stable development
Links [Discussion thread] at BlenderArtists
Geodesic domes 265 opt.jpg


  • In your addons folder, create a folder called geodesic_domes.
  • place all the files inside this folder ( link above )
  • you will find the script in the user preferences panel.
  • then in the addons panel, addons, testing, > mesh category
  • or get a build from GraphicAll that contains the contrib scripts.
  • [GraphicAll] latest Blender SVN Builds


Addons geodesic261 interface.jpg

Original introduction from Andy Houston

  • Geodesic spheres based on icosahedrons, octahedrons and tetrahedrons.
  • Triangular, hexagonal and hex/tri combo face options.
  • A function that turns the current shape into its geometric dual (sort of).
  • Grid, Cylinder, Parabola, Torus and Ball primitives.
  • Hubs and Struts. Fill out those edges and vertices with your custom, decorative meshes.
  • Superformula deforming. Create rounded triangles, wobbly shapes etc.
  • wikipedia description
  • informative: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geodesic_dome
  • more math: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geodesic_grid

from Meta-Androcto

Geodesic glass opt.jpg
  • This Script can be used to create Geodesic Objects, not limited to Domes or Spheres.
  • Each mesh type created has it's own set of editable parameters.
  • By editing the paramerers, you can create many simple or complex mesh shapes.
  • Create an equal side Pyramid, a Soccer Ball, a Wine Glass & more.
  • Limited only by your imagination. ( & some cool math limitations )
  • Create complex mesh deformations with the Superformular parameters.
  • In the next section we will cover the menu types & how to use the parameters to "Sculpt" your mesh.

Main Menu


Script geodesic mainmenu.jpg
  • By default when you hit the Execute Me in the toolshelf, the Geodesic Domes "Main" menu will open.
  • The "Main" menu is where you will do most of your work.
  • The Geodesic Default Triangle will show in the 3d view & the Object Creation parameters can be accessed here.
  • Please note: I find it's easier to Use the Object Creation Parameters first befor moving on to Faces, Struts & Hubs, these will be explained in the sections below.

For now, let's look at the Object Types & their Parameters

Objects Menu

  • There are 6 Object types you can create by default.
  • Using the Parameters You can build upon these objects to create more object types.
  • Object Types have unique parameter sets & share the Superformular Parameters.(described Later)


  • Please note: the Frequency parameters have a high impact on object creation.
  • To create a Geodesic Dome you must increase the Frequency or the default Triangle

Script geodesic menu.jpg

Geodesic Object Types


  • Tooltip > Subdivide Basic/Triacon
  • Class 1 is the "equilateral triangle"
  • Class 2 is the "cube"


  • Tooltip > Choose between Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Icosahedron


  • Tooltip > Point (Vert), Edge or Face pointing upwards


  • Tooltip > Choose between tri hex star face types

Round (may not work for all object types)

  • Tooltip > Choose between spherical or flat

Geodesic Object Parameters

Script geodesic parameters menu.jpg


  • Tooltip > subdivide base triangles


  • Tooltip > overall radius


  • Tooltip > scaling in x/y dimension


  • Tooltip > scaling in z dimension

Square (x/y)

  • Tooltip > superelipse action in x/y

Square (z

  • Tooltip > superelipse action in z

Rotate (x/y)

  • Tooltip > rotate superelipse action in x/y

Rotate (z)

  • Tooltip > rotate superelipse action in z


  • Tooltip > faces become verts, verts become faces, edges flip

More Object Types

Script geodesic parabolar menu.jpg
Script geodesic cylinder menu.jpg
Script geodesic sphere menu.jpg

  • There are 6 Object types you can create.
  • Each Object has it's own set of parameters.
  • As you can see most menu items are Self Explained.
  • Tooltips will give you furthur information on individual parameters.
  • Let's take a quick look at some you may not know.


  • Tooltip > shrink faces in direction
  • Add or remove rows of faces based on height (z) or (x/y)


  • Tooltip > rotate around pivot
  • Useful for rotating deformation or use with Gap

Import Your Mesh

  • You can Import your own mesh into geodesic domes for use within the script.
  • This is limited to the Faces, Struts & Hubs menu's


Geodesic domes 260 opt.jpg
  • Placeholder


  • Placeholder


  • Placeholder


The main Help Panel:

               "If normals look inverted:",
               "Once mesh is finished,",
               "You may recalc normals outside.",
               "To use your own mesh with the:",
               "Import your mesh in the:",
               "Objects: Geodesic menu.",
               "You must type in the name",
               "Of your custom object first.",
               "To use your own mesh with the: ",
               "You must type in the name",
               "Of your custom object/s first,"]

Superformular Menu

The superformular-parameters can be activated or not, see the 4 possibilities:

GD SF 1234.jpg

OLD: PKHG confesses, not yet totally understood how all the parameters act upon a mesh, it is yet just the way the old version used them.

Starting understanding one has to learn e.g. this: [2], which (seems) to be used. Here three examples: Superform 2.gif

Now, it remains to understand how this effects the which part of an GD ... ;-)

It is very difficult to see the effects, because the function depends on 8 parameters! Here an example what happens if ONLY one parameter is changed:

Sf 1.gif

In the following it will be tried to explain all those possibilities.

Superformular U (x/y axis)

  • Placeholder

Superformular V (z axis)

  • Placeholder

Superformular Overview

  • Placeholder


Thanks go to:

  • Andy Houston for The Script, Permissions.
  • PKHG for the patience & knowledge to make this script possible in Blender 2.6

Interface Changed

The old version has a TAB-gui to go to the big number of choices. This has been replaced by an activation Panel in the tool-shelf and the Operator-gui mimics the tabs from the 2.49 version.

One essential addition (since 13-12-11) is the possibility to save and load the more than 100 parameters of the addon ;-)


http://pkhg.nl/wink/wineglass.htm a wine-glass setting only parameters in GD.

Icosaeder faced1.jpg

Built with a new faces addon, Blender 2.71