利用者:Roger/End of Module Reviews

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< 利用者:Roger
2012年1月2日 (月) 20:37時点におけるwiki>Mindronesによる版 (moved here from the sandbox)
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End of Module Reviews

Tony posted this link http://blendernewbies.blogspot.com/2006/11/test-beginners-knowledge-test.html on BA to a cute little test that tests keyboard shortcut knowledge. That got me to thinking about end of module reviews that should be administered by the trainer after each teaching unit is presented.

1. A wrap-up or summary should go in the wiki as the last page of each major section (interface, materials, lighting, etc). 2. This page would be available for training as a wrap up and summary sheet for the student 3. It could serve as a springboard for a completion quiz during the class 4. It could serve as a springboard for ideas for an end of module exercise of things for the student to practice.

So, I will add these tasks to the wiki to-do, and we can go from there in the Sandbox. I would like to ask all trainers to contribute a few lines to their favorite summary page (I will list them on the wiki.blender.org/Sandbox page) Thanks!

ps- I just counted and there are 19 modules, which means that if you use the wiki as a kind of guide in training, you spend an average of 2 hours of training on each topic for a 40-hour class, which breaks down into 1 hour of lecture, half-hour exercise, half-hour review/break.