利用者:Sculptorjim/Game Engine/Physics/Objects/No Collision

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No Collision Physics Object Type

"No Collision" objects in the Game Engine are completely unaffected by Physics, and do cause physics reactions. They are useful as pure display objects, such as the child of a Custom Collision Hull.

In the example game demo, Frijoles, the No Collision type is represented by the "HUD" objects that display the health status.

For more documentation, see the Top BGE Physics page.


The only option available on No Collision types is:

  • Invisible - Does not display, the same as setting the object to unrendered (such as unchecking the "Camera" icon in the Outliner).
    • Demo: The "ClothCatcher" object in top of Frijoles.blend
    • Default: Off.
    • Python property: obj.use_render

All Types

Comparison Table - No Collision | Static | Dynamic | Rigid Body | Soft Body