利用者:Brita/GSoC BGE cleanup and support/reports/week6

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2018年6月29日 (金) 06:08時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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GSoC14 - Weekly Report #6

June 21-27th - BGE Cleanup and Support

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This Week

  • scene graph and UI document: I ended up not reviewing this at all, will pass to the next week
  • bugtracker: the goal was 10, I closed 11, most as invalid. I also triaged the majority of the most recent bugs and applied categories when appropriate.
  • passed the midterm check :)

General Development


Fixed (Reported)

Fixed (Unreported)


Closed / Archived / Invalid

  • T40767 - I am not sure if this is some more bad compound code or user error, can a code ninja let me know if I should work around or wait for a fix?
  • T40704 - Problem with blenderplayer
  • T39401 - Strange bug with shape keys in BGE
  • T40341 - add flag to gameobject own.compound so it can be manipulated in game
  • T40114 - Display flickers if I run the Game Engine
  • T38564 - unrealistic character falling
  • T37824 - 3D sound crackle when audio is panned across speakers under windows, no crackle running under linux
  • T37762 - Blender game physics: character + compound
  • T36484 - Game crashes when moving or resizing the blender window in 2.68a.

Total: 2 fixed, 9 closed

Next Week

  • review scene graph and update the doc
  • review priorities, the tracker, short-term goals and update the wiki
  • bugtracker: no goal here, just follow up on the reports I am already in.