利用者:Jjoonathan/NURBS UVEdit

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< 利用者:Jjoonathan
2014年8月11日 (月) 23:37時点におけるwiki>Jjoonathanによる版
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The bug that was causing trims to fail if the trim curve intersected a vertex has been fixed. This allows complex curves to be imported:

New mesher undistorted.png

The mesh generator has been improved to support actual ngons. Observe the difference:

NURBS floatingverts.png New mesher hole.png New mesher donut.png

Trimmed NURBS curves now show up in the UV editor, allowing one to specify knots and edit trim curves.

New uveditor.png

Sample .blend here: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/File:Sample_trimmed_nurbs.blend

The trim curve editing functionality is minimal (it propagates selections) but since in-blender trim curve editing is now prioritized it should be fully functional by the soft pencils-down date.

NURBS draw sel spiral old.png NURBS new colorscheme.png

There's also a new color scheme. Instead of purple and yellow which don't have a clear correspondence to U,V directions I now have red and green. Normally red=x, green=y, blue=z, so I extended this mnemonic to the NURBS editor where red=u, green=v. I also flipped the axes in some of the default NURBS object creation operators so that the U axis lined up with the X axis and the V axis lined up with the Y axis (as opposed to the other way around). This should help reduce confusion about what U and V mean.