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Weekly Reports for Year 2016

Week 172 - 12/24 to 12/30

Spent the week-end again on task scheduler issue, then switched to more useful things, like… tracker mostly.

  • General Development:
    • Worked on threading (scheduler) performance issues (depsgraph performances) (lots of trying with not much success, see D2426 and D2435).
    • Worked on static ID override.
    • Usual i18n update.
Fixed: 3; Reviewed: 9; Closed: 12;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets/poselib related work.

Week 171 - 12/17 to 12/23

Spent most of the week trying to teach our task scheduler to not waste too much time on task management (critical when fed with thousands of very small/simple tasks, as done currently by the new depsgraph), with no real solution. Was a fun way to waste time. :|

  • General Development:
    • Worked on adding do_versions_after_liblink() to read code (D2422).
    • Worked on threading issues (depsgraph performances).
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed (unreported) linked datablocks going through do_versions several times (rBbd42987399f1).
    • Fixed (unreported) --threads option no more respected by main task scheduler (rB8db2f72997cc).
Unreported fixes: 2; Closed: 1;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets/poselib related work.

Week 170 - 12/10 to 12/16

Finished first working proof-of-concept static ID override. Also spent a whole day on patch review, those tend to pile up easily. :/

  • General Development:
    • Worked on static ID override, submitted first proof-of-concept working patch for initial (quick) review (D2417).
    • Updated/enhanced a bit multi-previews ID branch.
    • Did some cleanup in ID management area (rBefadc8051, rBb708dce34f, rB62703850ad5).
    • Refactored RNA property: split flags in property flags, parameter flags, and internal flags (D2400, rB440d1042798).
    • Usual i18n updates.
    • Updated py API doc.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T50244: bam pack with -m FILE fails on copying deeper hierachies because of missing destination folders (rBAMb75b7440325).
    • Fixed (unreported) own stupid mistake in recent 'repo base' new option for bam pack (rBAMac0c83d49d).
    • Fixed (unreported) temp dir not being removed by bam pack -m FILE (rBAM89fe6be951).
    • Fixed (unreported) some RNA func definitions setting flags of other func parameters (rB7415b9ffa310)!
    • Reviewed/committed D2414: Fix T50235, wireframe transparency in UV layout export (rBAe7c7ef6be466).
    • Reviewed D2150: GSoC 2016: Added PBVH based vertex and weight painting to Blender.
    • Reviewed D2410: Fix T50216.
    • Reviewed D2412: Render layer and collections.
    • Reviewed D2407: Implement combined interpolated vertex weights (aka Weight Keys).
    • Reviewed D113: Datablock ID Properties.
Fixed: 1; Unreported fixes: 3; Reviewed: 6; Closed: 17;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets/poselib related work.

Week 169 - 12/03 to 12/09

Worked on ID/asset-related topics, mostly on first prototype of ID static override.

  • General Development:
    • Fixed/tweaked a bit asset engine code.
    • Refactored RNA property flags (separating property, internal and parameter ones, and some general cleanup, D2400).
    • Started working on static ID override.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T49893: Crash in Video Sequence Editor with 'drop' effect (rB8f29503b523).
    • Fixed (irc-reported) install_deps.sh failing to build ffmpeg 3 (rBa63108efb195)
    • Fixed (unreported) Sequencer Drop effect: wrong initial offset in second input buffer (rBfc4a51e3faa).
    • Reviewed/accepted D2393 Fix T50141.
    • Reviewed D2403: Compositor: Make HSV node inputs a real sockets.
Fixed: 1; Unreported fixes: 2; Reviewed: 2; Closed: 13;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets/poselib related work.

Week 168 - 11/26 to 12/02

Finished various stuff (newid usage cleanup, gridflow layout…), also Blender 2.8 workflow workshop & its sequels, and went over PBVH painting GSoC patch once more (that one is nearly ready to merge now).

  • General Development:
    • Blender 2.8 workflow workshop!
    • Added new option to bam pack to keep whole hierarchy of repo in packed archive (rBAM127843e648c).
    • Cleaned up id->newid usage (now you can assume it’s clean by default, users need to ensure that - and not set automatically by ID copy anymore, rBdf63195d2a7b).
    • blendfile.py: Added support reading single char DNA values as unsigned integer (rBAecf6619d8205).
    • Finished first version of enhanced 'grid flow' uilayout (current one has annoying limitations, main one being only column-major, D2395).
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T50062 Mask - Clicking in ActivePoint Parent makes Blender crash (rB0c958b9f8e93).
    • Fixed more (un)registering issues in view3d_copy_attribute addon (rBA07c0aac78a).
    • Fixed (unreported) memleak in ImBuf mipmap code in some cases (rBa4c65584818).
    • Reviewed/cleaned up pbvh gsoc (for painting vertices, D2150, b405a2e4c0ad, b5d2473730d).
    • Reviewed D2386 Fix for T50097.
    • Reviewed D2375 Move ccgDM and emDM's looptri array recalculation from *DM_getLoopTriArray to *DM_recalcLoopTri
Fixed: 1; Unreported fixes: 2; Reviewed: 3; Closed: 18;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets/poselib related work.

Week 167 - 11/19 to 11/25

Again mostly enhancements in ID management area, and new developments needed for the 'poselib' project. And some workshop preparation...

  • General Development:
    • Worked on enhanced 'grid flow' uilayout (current one has annoying limitations, main one being only column-major).
    • Worked on cleaning up ID->newid usage (see id_newid_optional branch).
    • Blender 2.8 workflow workshop!
Fixed: 2; Unreported fixes: 3; Reviewed: 1; Closed: 1;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets/poselib related work.

Week 166 - 11/12 to 11/18

Quite intense week, shared between more fixes/enhancements in ID management area, and new developments needed for the 'poselib' project.

  • General Development:
    • Investigated further enhancements to new MakeLocal, nothing usable though... will wait for proxies to go into canal for more!
    • Fixed/enhanced multi_preview code to ease generating previews directly from render result images (rB65b4a9f40339).
    • Worked on enhanced 'flow' uilayout (current one has annoying limitations, main one being only column-major).
    • Updated py API doc.
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
    • Built/submitted new Coverity build.
Fixed: 6; Unreported fixes: 6; Reviewed: 1; Closed: 14;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets/poselib related work.

Week 165 - 11/05 to 11/11

Rather frustrating week, spent most of the time chasing complex and elusive bugs, several of them being already fixed in master in the end… :/

  • General Development:
    • Added to blend2json.py script ability to only export some data fields (based on name filtering, rBDT620e9b28291).
    • Updated/reworked multi-frame preview RNA access (multi-dim arrays are not an option here, way too slow).
    • Usual i18n update.
    • Made "Make Local" 4 times quicker than in 2.78a release for complex scenes (among other improvements, rBf6ab97c1ae0f).
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed (Agent-team reported) crash happening in some cases with MakeLocal operator (rBed957768a).
Fixed: 1; Closed: 20;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets/poselib related work.

Week 164 - 10/29 to 11/04

Kept working on 'multi-previews'/poselib project, BConf/Amsterdam week too…

  • General Development:
    • Added 'copy/paste RNA array feature to UI copy/paste code (allows e.g. copying whole location etc, using ctrl-alt-c/v) (rB4e95a9069e).
    • Worked on multi-preview for IDs & poselib previews.
    • Worked on Powerlib (for Francesco's request).
    • Implemented “Set Normals From Faces” custom normals edit tool (feature request during bconf) (rBdd6fa94dcc9).
    • Added support for libhidapi (OpenHMD dependency) in install_deps.sh (in HMD_viewport branch).
Fixed: 6; Closed: 21;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets/poselib related work.

Week 163 - 10/22 to 10/28

Kept working 'multi-previews' project, BConf week too…

Fixed: 3; Reviewed: 4; Closed: 11;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 162 - 10/15 to 10/21

Some pretty tough regressions again in tracker, and preparing release of 2.78a. Manage to finish initial stage of 'multi-previews' project though.

  • General Development:
    • Worked on 'multi-previews' for datablocks.
Fixed: 3; Closed: 18;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets/poselib related work.

Week 161 - 10/08 to 10/14

Very light week, again mostly tracker & co. :/

  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
    • Worked on 'multi-previews' for datablocks.
    • Release duty...
Fixed: 4; Reviewed: 2; Closed: 8;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 160 - 10/01 to 10/07

Much tracker duty, fixing regressions from 2.78, some progress on 'multi-previews' project.

  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n update.
    • Updated 2.78 release bugfixes list.
    • Updated 2.78 and master Py API doc.
    • Worked on 'multi-previews' for datablocks.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T49548 Entering Cycles Rendered Viewport Unlinks Material from Objects (rBb9e82b5bfb99).
    • Fixed T49553 Blender 2.78 crashes when File->Data Previews ->Refresh Datablock Previews (rBe5c32844678e).
    • Fixed T48587 Wrong link to the addon on wiki.
    • Fixed T49595 bpy - negative skin_vertices radius crashes Blender (rBe7981a3e93be).
    • Fixed (unreported) missing new eyedropper keymap entry in keyconfig_utils.py (TrBc5e10394b45a3).
Fixed: 4; Unreported fix: 1; Closed: 27;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 159 - 09/24 to 09/30

And again, lots of tracker duty, fixing regressions from 2.78, doing release tasks…

  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n update.
    • Release stuff...
Fixed: 8; Unreported fix: 2; Reviewed: 1; Closed: 19;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 158 - 09/17 to 09/23

Ended up being rather small week, spent mostly on tracker…

  • Asset Engine:
    • Started working on 'multi-previews' for datablocks.
  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n update.
Fixed: 5; Reviewed: 2; Closed: 4;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 157 - 09/10 to 09/16

Amsterdam week, though lots of time was spent on 2.78 release and bug tracking, had nice talks with guys at the studio about “general” pipeline topics, and more specific asset management plans, see also the blog post.

  • Asset Engine:
    • Worked on Claude asset engine (can now actually link/append textures images from Cloud, and show textures previews from Cloud).
  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n update.
    • Updated Py API doc for RC2 and master.
    • Updated 2.78 bugfixes list for RC2.
    • Worked on option to mesh validate to fix polygons using several times the same vertices (typical case: importing polygons with holes).
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T49303 Numpad decimal with non-US english keyboard layout (rB037df2aaa6b3).
    • Fixed T49342 TypeError when autocompleting bpy.app.something (rBce952fd36e54).
    • Fixed T49352 Blender's file browser do not display previews (rB51e8c167f40c).
    • Fixed T49357 OBJ importer cannot deal with texture names with spaces (rBA959f9d28d26c).
    • Fixed T49349 Baking action doesnt bake multiple objects (rBb06584dbf893).
    • Fixed (Sybren-reported) bpy.data.user_map() ignoring unused datablocks (rBf38f7874488de).
    • Fixed (Sybren-reported) two issues related to 'partial' .blend files (rB443b3ca9b9cb6, rB66d4006f51b).
    • Fixed (Sybren-reported) missing PaintCurves in RNA's Main representation (rB3525fd605ab).
    • Fixed (Sybren-reported) Object->proxy_from wrongly considered during bpy.data.user_map() generation (rBe007552442634).
    • Fixed (Sybren-reported) crash in some cases when deleting particle systems (rBa8ed9144a3898).
    • Reviewed soc PBVH branch (D2150).
    • Reviewed D2238 Added buttons to move a pose in a pose library up/down.
Fixed: 5; Unreported fix: 5; Reviewed: 2; Closed: 19;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 156 - 09/03 to 09/09

Spent a lot of time working on new Claude experimental asset engine - and taming the asyncio beast, gah!

  • Asset Engine:
    • Finally solved how to use asyncio loop from another event loop (Blender main one, here!), and updated AmberAIO and Claude accordingly (see also T49275).
    • Worked on Claude asset engine.
  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n update.
    • Finalized bugfixes list for 2.78 RC1.
    • Created script to update py API doc on server (rBe35a87c5ff1a5).
    • Updated py API doc (for both master and 2.78 RC).
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T49228 Separate by material, materials dissappear after reload (rB6c0307f88854).
    • Fixed T49270 UV Export layout problem (rBA511f8c457c76).
    • Fixed T49273 Crash during access to dupli weights (rBbcc863993adf).
    • Fixed T49283 Crash in BKE_ptcache_make_particle_key (rB45f833c21dcf).
    • Fixed T49299 Removing offset object in modifiers doesn't update mesh (rBb27ba26b440e).
    • Fixed missing 'prop_required' flags in some ID RNA funcs (rBff1ba0861d).
    • Reviewed/committed T35333 Few doc strings for WM API functions for consideration (rB33fcd0444d45).
    • Reviewed/committed D2196 Netrender: Fix for T46042 - Slave continues to render frames after cancellation by job manager (rBA2d81cef598ca).
    • Reviewed/committed D2198 Network renderer: simple fix for T43966 - In large projects the default set socket.timeout is to low (rBA0b42fdfb3881).
Fixed: 5; Unreported fix: 1; Reviewed: 3; Closed: 13;
  • Next week:
    • Amsterdam & Blender 2.8 week!
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 155 - 08/27 to 09/02

Spent again most time on coming release tasks. Also started learning asyncio and implementing experimental 'Cloud' asset engine.

  • Asset Engine:
    • Added experimental version of Amber engine using asyncio.
    • Started experimental works towards a 'Blender Cloud' asset engine.
  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n update.
    • Submitted new (2.78 RC1) build to coverity.
    • Had little chat with Sybren about his work related to 'data splitting' in .blend libs containing a single datablock each.
    • Spent most of the day tracking weird issue with OSL built on latest Debian testing (i.e. with gcc6), with not much success. We have an issue like stdlib or ABI mismatch, not sure (asan reporting delete being called with different type/size than matching new call...).
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T49158 Untranslatable elements in UI (rBde64f66a2fab).
    • Fixed T49197 fbx exporter, Blender 2.77a reports a same node (357572814) several times (rBA3dc2ed11c05d).
    • Fixed T49210 Issue with User Count on Images in some shader nodetrees when rendering previews (rBbfd8da753d34).
    • Fixed T49224 Crash when deleting the text (rB159ac3f638df).
    • Fixed T49222 Image Save settings are overridden by the File Save Screen ones (rB8b2a45052093).
    • Fixed T49229 ID user decrement error when deleting group instance twice (rB27c64e3f46395).
    • Fixed T48911 When two keymaps are configured on the system and the current isn't the first one Blender use both (rB16cb9391634d).
    • Fixed T48847 I can't use the Keyboard Shortcuts "]" (select: "After Current Frames") in Dope Sheet Editor or Graph Editor (rB16cb9391634d).
    • Fixed (unreported) bad usercount handling of materials in BKE_mesh_new_from_object() (rBa0cdebde11).
Fixed: 8; Unreported fix: 1; Closed: 7;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 154 - 08/20 to 08/26

Not a big week, spent again most time on coming release tasks (esp. getting 'py API doc update' running, etc.).

  • General Development:
    • Got rsync access to blender py API, and managed to update py doc.
    • Finished updating bugfixes list for 2.78 release.
    • Usual i18n update.
Fixed: 6; Closed: 12;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 153 - 08/13 to 08/19

Spent again a lot of time on coming release tasks.

  • Assets:
    • Finished initial implementation of asset previews for AssetEngine (still untested).
    • Added (dummy random mosaic) preview generation to Amber asset engine, allows to test things, everything seems to be OK.
  • General Development:
    • Manage to update coverity build/scan, and fixed several issues found in latest one.
    • Managed to build USD project locally (with some edit to vanilla sources).
    • Kept updating 2.78 release bugfixes list.
    • Usual i18n update.
    • Fixed/cleaned up several issues in UI messages of recently merged projects.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T49105 Array modifier displayed in Edit mode crashes with End Cap enabled.
Fixed: 1; Closed: 5;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 152 - 08/06 to 08/12

Spent again a lot of time on tracker, reviews/gsoc, coming release tasks, etc. Did find some time to resume work on assets though (at last :| ).

  • Assets:
    • Worked on adding support for asset previews in AssetEngine and filebrowser.
  • General Development:
    • Started working on 2.78 release bugfix list.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Reviewed D2139 Fix ID types DAG update tagging.
    • Reviewed D2150 Added PBVH based vertex and weight painting to Blender (aka PBVH Painting GSoC).
Fixed: 0; Reviewed: 2; Closed: 14;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 151 - 07/30 to 08/05

Week mostly spent on tracker...

  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T48977 FBX exporting and importing again in default settings breaks armatures with animations and meshes totally for me (rBA96a957faf31e).
    • Fixed T48980 crash when loading a file that contains a custom node tree ({{GitCommit|rB36a790653c01}).
    • Fixed T48998 "Rotate" disrespects rotation-direction and path (rBfb94f4b88424).
    • Fixed T48986 Incorrect normals or tangents when using custom split normals (rB2f5db2e45b7a).
    • Fixed T49014 Copy Paste is inconsistant with datablocks (rBa0e72a0996e8).
    • Fixed T49022 Crash in BKE_libblock_remap_locked (rB50c017b6eabd).
    • Fixed T49023 Segfault when switching brushes while renaming another brush (rBdf7be614382b).
    • Reviewed D2060 Initial implementation of Alembic for basic import/export and data streaming.
    • Investigated T49004 Dynamic Paint doesn't update mesh before 'start frame'.
Fixed: 6; Investigated: 1; Reviewed: 1; Closed: 3;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 150 - 07/23 to 07/29

Really light week, for various reasons… Mostly spent on tracker duty.

  • General Development:
    • Added missing copy/make_local functions for several datablock types, most notably hairy MovieClip (and its tracking nested structures) (D2126, rB3d7cf808b8eeb).
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T48813 Custom icon is not drawn on header / addons prefs panel (rBf3f10e4515c4).
    • Fixed T48961 Material slots become easily desynced over linked duplicates (rBd66a27de2e49).
    • Fixed T48965 Cannot Append Palette As Local Datablock (rB035b40337a03).
    • Fixed T48971 Append creates linked image textures if object has shape keys (rBcdc7a24d7b56).
    • Fixed (IRC-reported by Sergey) bug when deleting some proxy objects having constraints or drivers referring to themselves (rBb91aea60964e8).
    • Fixed (IRC reported) missing expand calls on some object/particles physics pointers (rB8e004062612e5).
Fixed: 4; Unreported fixes: 2; Closed: 12;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 149 - 07/16 to 07/22

Week was mostly spent again on after-merging of ID remap work into master (both fixing reported issues, and updating more existing code and asset-engine branches).

  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
    • Added 'reload()' function to RNA library, nice helper for scripters (rB5f4a3785c6bd.
    • Reworked island computation of UVs in BKE, now have both from edge seams and actual uvco of a given uvmap (rBdb0c2be55e87).
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T48898 shaders are remove from metaballs on cycles render (rB1270ab91be53).
    • Fixed T48906 Import Images As Planes - does not work, when scene gets complex (rBA231c56509ea0).
    • Fixed T48907 Appending breaks parent relations and groups, due to recent refactors (rBd8d4bef6ccc35 and following ones).
    • Fixed (IRC reported by Sergey) assert regarding icon_id of newly copied datablocks (rBb9e4e69a4d).
    • Fixed (unreported) ED_region_tag_redraw_partial() could override a previously defined partial redraw, instead of extending it (rB65e7caf950d94).
    • Fixed (unreported) crash in some case when remapping armature data (rBaf2deb5438e8).
    • Fixed (unreported) memleak in image copy function (rBd4342b38971).
Fixed: 4; Unreported fixes: 3; Closed: 11;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 148 - 07/09 to 07/15

Week was mostly spent again on after-merging of ID remap work into master (both fixing reported issues, and updating more existing code and asset-engine branches).

  • General Development:
    • Finished updating make_local code to use new libquery/libremap features in ID management code.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T48822 Crash when I try to use "Join" (Ctrl Key + J) with two meshes (rB47c47c7e78e1).
    • Fixed T48831 Icon Preview generation for textures and images (rB51812fb502, rBeb04908cc).
    • Fixed T48844 Appended Cycles materials are not editable in Properties panel/Node Editor (rB39dee8a20104 and previous).
    • Fixed (unreported) memory leak when making local linked databock which has a preview image (rB62ea383622d).
Fixed: 3; Unreported fixes: 1; Closed: 20;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 147 - 07/02 to 07/08

Week was mostly spent again on after-merging of ID remap work into master (both fixing reported issues, and updating more existing code and asset-engine branches).

  • General Development:
    • Committed clean up of 'is lib' check of IDs (rBd231260212).
    • Started using new libquery/libremap features in ID management code (mostly 'make_local' feature), makes code simpler and fixes several issues.
    • Fixed several issues in libquery/libremap code itself (missing ID pointers, refactoring/adding more special pre/post remapping handling...).
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T48802 Unwrap buttons, can't add hotkey in rmb menu (rBb9dbcf406e83).
    • Fixed (unreported) crash when remapping armatures (rB514700b307ad4).
    • Fixed (again!) issue with particle distribution code (rB99683f25e8e).
Fixed: 2; Unreported fixes: 1; Closed: 1;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 146 - 06/25 to 07/01

Week was mostly spent on after-merging of ID remap work into master (both fixing reported issues, and updating more existing code and asset-engine branches).

  • Assets:
    • Worked on fixing/cleaning up various things in asset-engine branch.
  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
    • Clean up and rework a bit RNA API to remove datablocks (rBd4e435836dd9).
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T48741 File browser back button doesn't work from inside Blend file (rB5f77266baf20).
    • Fixed T48740 material remapping work properly only the first time (rBe2c7ee773311).
    • Investigated/fixed some nasty remap-related issue with linked libraries, reported by Campbell on IRC (rB85c9aefe0fef).
    • Fixed (unreported) potential buffer overflow with BLO_library_path_explode() usage (rBab921321e1ca6).
Fixed: 2; Unreported fixes: 2; Closed: 9;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 145 - 06/18 to 06/24

Week was mostly spent on tracker and merging ID remap work into master.

  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
Fixed: 5; Closed: 11;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 144 - 06/11 to 06/17

Rather small week, yet did some nice step forwards with asset-related work.

  • Assets:
    • Worked on supporting non-blender data as assets (images/sounds/fonts/…), have working proof of concept over images ones it seems (asset-engine & asset-experiment branches).
    • Worked on updating id-remap branch after first review.
    • Worked on fixing/cleaning up again readfile.c and libquery's ID looper in master branch.
  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T48634 Interpolation and distribution of Children Particles breaks (rB4ec1c76afce1).
    • Fixed T48617 use backdrop option is missing in some VSE modes (rB4df6474f01ce).
    • Fixed T48604 Crash when using Ctrl-Z on the Render layer (rB055001111e22).
    • Fixed (IRC-reported) annoying assert with new simple/random particle distribution code (rB046adde64f164).
    • Reviewed/committed fixed Thai fonts from Hồ Châu (rB07925b6316).
Fixed: 3; Unreported fix: 1; Reviewed: 1; Closed: 4;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work (get id-remap into master!).

Week 143 - 06/04 to 06/10

Worked mostly on some (limited) edit-mode/BMesh support for custom normals.

  • General Development:
    • Added some 'maximum angle' limit to EditNormal modifier, to help prevent flipped faces with extreme normal modifications (see T48576, rBac7feaed3d4d).
    • Added basic support to set custom normals in BMesh (see custom-normals-bmesh branch in git repo).
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T48631 FBX setting "bake_anim_use_nla_strips": True, fails to export unique animations to each take (rBAc4a79435e456).
    • Fixed T48614 Blender from buildbot crash when Separate selection in this particular scene (rBd733826708f9).
    • Fixed T48600 VSE strip selection fails (rB38f07a81b37a).
    • Fixed (unreported) EditNormal modifier: broken 'flip poly' feature (rBf08018f928688).
Fixed: 3; Unreported fix: 1; Closed: 4;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work (get id-remap reviewed!).

Week 142 - 05/27 to 06/03

Rather small week, was side-tracked by lots of things…

  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
    • OMP->BLI_task: shrinkwrap (rB7e120f3a74089).
    • Worked some more on 'small hash' topic (see D2042).
  • Bug Tracker:
Fixed: 4; Closed: 18;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work (get id-remap reviewed!).

Week 141 - 05/21 to 05/27

Spent time again over getting-rid-of-OMP tasks, and various other low hanging fruits.

  • General Development:
    • Finished work on OMP->BLI_task in dynapaint code (rBc1b7acda4ca7a).
    • OMP->BLI_task: sequencer's histogram preview (rB93b3f1c85606f).
    • OMP->BLI_task: scopes_update of image editor (50%s faster!, rBf87842a73ac29).
    • Investigated speedup of very small ghashes by using internal basic array instead (related to new despgraph speed issues when switching to BLI_ghash).
  • SoC:
    • Some mentoring tasks.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T48497 Dynamic Paint Crash/hang in old scene with latest buildbot (6115267) (rB22ff9c5568cd).
    • Fixed T48487 Physics cache names allow (back)slashes, which breaks its handling (rBaf4a04eae071).
    • Fixed (unreported) missing progress bar in early baking stage of dynamicpaint (rB951db20862dab).
    • Reviewed/applied/extended T48499 delete of NULL pointer is noop, so no need to check (rBa7c3ec4febf2).
Fixed: 2; Unreported Fixes: 1; Reviewed: 1; Closed: 13;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…

Week 140 - 05/14 to 05/20

Spend pretty much whole week in converting dynamicpaint from OpenMP to BLI_task (also included some cleanup and a few nice optimizations).

  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
    • BLI_task: made foreach looper lockfree (take II) (rB575d7a9666e1).
    • BLI_task: Added new 'BLI_task_parallel_range_finalize()' allowing for lockfree aggregation(-like) parallelized tasks (D1997, rB688858d3a807).
    • Cleanup and optimization of pre-bake step of DynaPaint image baking (rBa055395487a33).
    • Worked on OMP->BLI_task in dynapaint code (got nice >20% speedup when using Drip effect, rBa4a968fd99c0).
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T48426 Knife tool header message is cut because it has not enough length (rBb1e2f8be2371).
    • Fixed T48425 Armature Symmetrize is flipping Custom Shape parameter (rB20714889bfda).
    • Fixed T48422 Blender freezes in multi-threaded tasks since recent rB98123ae91680, on windows - atomic ops issue? (rBbb7da630bacf).
    • Fixed T48204 Generic Tablet on Linux - Erratic strokes with pressure sensitivity enabled (rB38f65c500c12).
Fixed: 4; Closed: 12;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work (will cleanup and prepare id-remap for review and hopefully merge in 2.8 branch).
    • Keep working on OMP->BLI_task too.

Week 139 - 05/07 to 05/13

Took a pause from asset work this week, trying to get some optimizations in parallel code area, with not much luck actually…

  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T48362 Spin Tool: broken behavior in recent builds, cannot make a proper spin extrusion when the Z-axis is involved (rB65dd1d7d081d).
    • Fixed T48369 Error PADPLUSKEY [ latin1 ](rBce65fae8f32c)
    • Fixed T48416 Impossible to copy a linked object from a file to another one mantaining the linked library (rB5e0ec49570fa, rBa91a49ba8e3d).
Fixed: 3; Closed: 4;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.
    • Keep working on OMP->BLI_task too.

Week 138 - 04/30 to 05/06

Finalized first (apparently) working asset reloading code, and did some tracker duties as usual.

  • Assets:
    • Reworked a bit Amber (since now all engines are expected to be able to identify an asset based on its uuid only, without any repo info).
    • Got first working version of 'update on .blend reload' topic in asset-experiment branch.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T48118 Vertex Groups not masking particle hair emission correctly (rBabf6f9f6cf72).
    • Fixed T48325 Data transfer modifier vertex group selector doesn't work with freestyle data (rB4e4ff72d13f4).
    • Fixed T48322 Proxy Armature Animations are not exported to FBX (rBA184e74fbe76d).
    • Fixed T48328 Blender crashes selecting linked duplicate bone in Edit Mode (rB9151095dbe1d).
    • Fixed T48262 Crash when trying to render a scene without camera (rB8c2cec937bab).
    • Fixed T47657 Using template_list() with invoke_props_dialog() (rBbd335f13fe3d).
    • Investigated T48204 Generic Tablet on Linux - Erratic strokes with pressure sensitivity enabled (with proposed patch).
Fixed: 6; Investigated: 1; Closed: 10;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 137 - 04/23 to 04/29

Spent again most of time on assets.

  • Assets:
    • Worked on 'update on .blend reload' topic (UI side) in asset-engine branch.
    • Worked on 'update on .blend reload' topic (actual reload) in asset-experiment branch.
  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
  • GSoC:
    • Contacts with student.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed (irc reported) Font filebrowser not showing thumbnails when those are enabled by default in userpref (rB1da0d0042a8d).
    • Fixed (irc reported) crash (segfault) in node editor (rB57eb8539fc5).
    • Fixed (unreported) possible freed memory usage when reloading a .blend file (rB86b8c8a042).
    • Fixed (unreported) bad 'NULL freeing' with placeholder images (rB461604c0d5ea).
    • Reviewed and committed D1934 FBX: Enable material transparency while importing (rBAdbb54eee76d3).
    • Reviewed and committed D1933 install_deps.sh Spring Cleaning and OpenVDB (rB3ccc61c03a8f, rBde0b48062923a, rB2ba7b3ea1a529).
Fixed: 0; Unreported Fix: 4; Reviewed: 2; Closed: 15;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 136 - 04/16 to 04/22

Spent again most of time on assets.

  • Assets:
    • Worked on 'update on .blend reload' topic in asset-engine branch.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T48212 Example of Collection property definition suggests by the print statement that three values are added while in fact only two are (rB0b349871d81d).
    • Fixed T48230 Home key when only one keyframe makes the DopeSheet acting weird rBa2779a460669f).
    • Fixed T48223 3D View not refresh after changing Blending mode in NLA (rBc41b2bd7c677).
    • Fixed (unreported) crash when listing available fmodifier types (rBf69b364b88ec).
    • Reviewed and accepted D1901 Update install_deps.sh for ArchLinux (rB7205bac98977).
Fixed: 3; Unreported Fix: 1; Reviewed: 1; Closed: 17;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 135 - 04/09 to 04/15

Spent again most of time on assets.

  • Assets:
    • Worked on 'update on .blend reload' topic in asset-engine branch.
    • Added possibility for async callbacks of asset engines to behave as immediate ones (so that engines that do not need complex/long operations to complete them do not have to add the whole 'job' system overhead).
  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
    • UI: copy to selected: add 'single'/'all' options to buttons' menu when relevant rB177d051126b3e).
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T47983 Particles - Emit from Verts emits double on one vert (again, rB950acb0ced2b).
    • Fixed T48151 Texture won't refresh automatically in UV editor. Minor annoyance (rB10320891f046).
    • Fixed T48157 3D view's depth of field isn't displayed correctly with scene units scale (rB6bc2ba21117a).
Fixed: 3; Closed: 13;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 134 - 04/02 to 04/08

Spent more time on asset project this week, the 'reload assets on .blend file load' handling is rather well defined now.

  • Assets:
    • Worked on 'update on .blend reload' topic in asset-engine branch.
    • Added 'report' support to asset engines (though not yet in use).
    • Several other minor tweaks and fixes to asset engine code.
  • GSoC 2016:
    • Reviewed projects.
Fixed: 4; Closed: 21;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 133 - 03/26 to 04/01

Again spent most time on tracker & gsoc.

  • Assets:
    • Added callback for asset engines to validate/change current dir (rB96aa44552769).
  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
Fixed: 8; Unreported fix: 1; Closed: 33;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 132 - 03/19 to 03/25

Worked a bit on asset-related topics, and spent some time on tracker & gsoc.

  • Assets:
    • Worked on the sub-ID/Asset dependencies topic in asset-engine branch.
Fixed: 5; Closed: 18;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 131 - 03/12 to 03/18

Worked a bit on asset-related topics, spent most time on tracker and a bit gsoc.

  • Assets:
    • Worked on the sub-ID/Asset dependencies topic in asset-engine branch.
  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T47763 2.77 RC2 (Fluid) Particle Baking slower compared to 2.67b (rBe327fb522a8f).
    • Fixed T47773 Particle System Crash (rB34fe03c7f25c).
    • Fixed T47787 When performing operation 'Make single user' -> 'obj&data', object is removed from group (rB6b1d77a8052b, rB00166ff62e68).
    • Fixed T47750 Hair particles lose position data when "Disconnect All" is used the first time from program load (rBa078fe35396a).
    • Fixed (ML reported) missing anim_data in RNA API of Freestyle's Linestyle (rB6952d75e3b4f).
    • Fixed (unreported) Particle disconnect operator: 'all hair' disabled would not work correctly after first op execution (rB681becb3592d).
Fixed: 5; Unreported fix: 1; Closed: 14;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 130 - 03/05 to 03/11

Pretty much a blank week, for different reasons… Only found a bit of time for tracker.

  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed (unreported) crash when adding EditNormals modifier to non-mesh object (rB1394369332904).
Fixed: 0; Unreported fix: 1; Closed: 5;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 129 - 02/27 to 03/04

Worked on asset-related topics, and spent a lot of time on tracker (releases…)

  • Assets:
    • Worked on the sub-ID/Asset dependencies topic in asset-engine branch.
  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
    • Committed 'Add mesh utilities to flip all/some polygons' (D1814, rB877f44162853).
    • Batch-previews generation: add option to control whether we save backup .blend1 file or not (rB449fbde7d1273).
Fixed: 11; Unreported fix: 1; Closed: 26;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 128 - 02/20 to 02/26

Worked on asset-related topics, release tasks, tracker….

  • Assets:
    • Worked on the sub-ID/Asset dependencies topic in asset-engine branch.
  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
    • Committed 'pop' feature to BLI's ghash/gset (rBfe9b21a44ad2).
    • Updated bugfix list for 2.77.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T47482 Object linked to scene, is not updated correctly in GroupInstance (objects with face users) (rB4dd406c7b7bb).
    • Fixed (second part of) T47482 Object linked to scene, is not updated correctly in GroupInstance (objects with face users) (rB20104beea7d3).
    • Fixed (unreported) crash when ungrouping a nodegroup with some animated node (rB8132553553).
    • Fixed (unreported) crash when opening a file from splash screen when 'load UI' option is disabled (rB935e241fa6ea).
Fixed: 2; Unreported fix: 2; Closed: 23;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 127 - 02/13 to 02/19

Worked mainly on asset-related topics (need to build dependencies info between IDs of an asset to handle correctly its reload).

  • Assets:
    • Worked on the sub-ID/Asset dependencies topic in asset-engine branch.
  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
    • Worked on GSoc proposals a bit.
    • Updated FBX 'test suite' project.
    • Added 'pop' feature to BLI's ghash/gset (D1808).
    • Added support for recursion to our libquery's ID foreach looper (new branch libquery-recursive, working afaict but not enough tested to get reviewed yet).
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T47457 FBX EXPORT: no keyframes are appearing in the exported fbx when objects stays put, even though i have manually inserted keyframes (rBA219e882b3168).
    • Reviewed & committed D1807: fix related to T45097 Network Render addon (rBAda3be8b8f315).
    • Investigated T47490 && T42526 add non-bmesh poly-flipping utils to BKE_mesh, to allow easy flipping of normals (D1814).
Fixed: 1; Reviewed: 1; Investigated: 1; Closed: 12;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More release tasks (bugfixes list...).
    • More assets-related work.

Week 126 - 02/06 to 02/12

Very small week (ended up working only three days more or less) - and with that stupid FBX stuff… Next week will be better!

  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
    • Worked a bit on FBX…
  • Bug Tracker:
Fixed: 3; Closed: 12;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • Some release tasks probably.
    • More assets-related work.

Week 125 - 01/30 to 02/05

Rather frustrating week, spent a lot of time on some asset design issue (how to handle sub-datablocks of an asset), with not much results so far…

  • Assets:
    • Design work on the sub-ID issue (see 'The Sub-Datablocks Issue' section of T46049).
  • General Development:
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
Fixed: 4; Closed: 18;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More assets-related work.

Week 124 - 01/23 to 01/29

Another tracker week, also finalized OMP -> BLI_task transition in sculpt/paint code.

  • General Development:
    • Finalized OMP -> BLI_task in sculpt/paint area.
    • Lost time trying to add OpenVDB to install_deps.sh script - that crappy lib does not have any 'auto-config' type of building, not doable for now... :(
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T46456 quitting while using dynotopo (dynamic topography) if you press ESC (rBc292b4ebb915).
    • Fixed (irc reported) clear keyframes op not reporting when called over a locked fcurve (rB4e2eea63a4).
    • Fixed T47252 ImportHelper class gives unicode errors when using a long string for filter_glob (file filters) (rB66aa4af83611).
    • Fixed T47228 X11: Hotkeys aren't working when first defined keymap is not latin-one compatible (rB12c71508c2d7, D1746)).
    • Fixed T47265 Search-to-add node by name report the list of node untranslated (rB75838de7c30d).
Fixed: 5; Closed: 18;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • No more 'kill OMP' task (entering bcon3)! So hopefully some more serious assets-related work this time.

Week 123 - 01/16 to 01/22

Spent lot of time on tracker again, and several other stuff.

  • Assets:
    • Worked a bit on Asset engine.
  • General Development:
    • Added some initial support of full data export to blend2json.py script.
    • OMP busting: finished removing it from editors/sculptpaint, and other areas (kernel/particle_system, ...).
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T47188 Blender crashes when trying to undo adding new scene with "copy settings" (rB2c5bc023c23c).
    • Fixed T47189 Large smoke simulation sometimes make Blender crash (rB143d423a191a).
    • Fixed (unreported) missing scene->gm.dome.warptext in libquery looper (rB724809655c89).
    • Fixed T47203 Render Crash (rB70c690c6e49b).
    • Fixed T47198 Cycles & BI have broken UVs in some degenerated quads cases (rBbf5ddb9728ef).
    • Fixed T46657 VSE: Strip length jumps to a negative number (rBac7c3e048b54).
    • Partially fixed T47025 Shadow pass error: Black shadow (rB7f65eb3f5346) - other issues with shadow pass are related to how they work in BI and not fixable afaics.
    • Reviewed and finalized D1737: Modifications for Alt-F1 to work for the new translations (rBA9a875bfb2693).
Fixed: 7; Reviewed: 1; Closed: 12;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More 'kill OMP' task, and/or...
    • More assets-related work & co.

Week 122 - 01/09 to 01/15

Spent (lost…) most of time on tracker this week, we had a burst of particles-related reports among other things.

  • Assets:
    • Made some more fixes, and a new test build of id-remap branch.
  • General Development:
    • Triaged and Fixed some minor stuff from coverity reports (rBe9c8e0316fbce).
    • Usual i18n weekly update.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T47121 Image node on linked and localized material loses image after reopening project (rB969120258532).
    • Fixed T47060 Uv form dupli not working with Cycles when the hair/particles mesh has more than one uv sets (rB43cc8d0be2f4).
    • Fixed T47148 Hair grid dos not work (rBca405a73b4f6).
    • Fixed T47147 small particles incorrectly rendered as large particles (particle size influenced by texture) (rB16f8444d9d64).
    • Fixed T47164 [Scene.raycast] - True result when it should be False (rBc6c223ade647).
    • Fixed T47173 Transfer Weights options changed; manual does not reflect (rBM1190).
    • Fixed T47185 Wrong items order with template_icon_view (rB9137a4401440).
Fixed: 7; Closed: 10;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More 'kill OMP' task, and/or...
    • More assets-related work & co.

Week 121 - 01/02 to 01/08

Lots of various stuff done this week, kept working on kicking OMP out of our code, got some patches from id-remap in master…

  • Assets:
    • Made a bunch of fixes, cleanup etc. in id-remap branch.
  • Bug Tracker:
    • BT misc (general check, assign & close work).
    • Fixed T47038 Particles in Particle Edit Mode get added in completely wrong location (D1685, rBaad24468e2d32).
    • Fixed T47135 VSE importing sound is one frame longer than video (rB15faab0082d6).
    • Fixed T47138 Page Down key pages up, instead of down, in Overview pane (rB5c69345edc08).
    • Fixed (unreported) memleak related to PBVH and looptri (rB17eb5b3af6ffe).
    • Fixed (unreported) crash when rendering hairs from edit mode (own regression in recent particle edit fix, rB31e6978066f).
Fixed: 3; Unreported fixes: 2; Closed: 12;
  • Next week:
    • Usual BT & patches work…
    • More 'kill OMP' task, and/or...
    • More assets-related work & co.