利用者:Witt/GSoC2017/Development Status

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2018年6月29日 (金) 06:23時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Development Status

On this page I will update the development status of the Silhouette Operator. Keeping track of all the bugs, features and ideas.

Development Branch: https://developer.blender.org/diffusion/B/browse/soc-2017-sculpting_improvements/

User Documentation: Documentation

Blender Artist Thread: https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?427124-GSoC-2017-Silhouette-Brush

General TODOs

to do
 Find an efficient keybinding which works on all OS.
to do
 Dyntopo support
to do
 modifier support (multires, mirror etc...)
to do
 Symmetry support
to do
 UI rework and improvement
to do
 Performance optimisation
on hold
 Code cleanup
on hold
 Get into master


These are the bugs I can identify at the moment. Currently bugs often overlap and produce the same resulting failure due to different reasons. This list will most likely grow quicker than i can resolve most of the issues.

Priority-high.png Priority

 looptris aren't recalculated properly or caches aren't updated
 Clamp out of bound values
to do
 find and resolve crashers
in progress Inprogress50.jpg 30%
 memory deallocation/free (mutex fix might have solved it)
Add Mode
 Inverse tube bug. (happens when the start point of a silhouette is in a tube segment.)
to do
 Normal issues with tubes.
Subtract Mode
to do
 Inverted Normals when primary ring is ccw
to do
 Mismatching ringlayout bugs
to do
 Flooding bugs
to do
 Clumped uneven fillets (Triangulation fails)

Priority-low.png Priority

on hold
 u resolution scales with depth.
Add Mode
to do
 Double vertices in generated shapes.
to do
 Small end caps create undesirable nooks.
Subtract Mode


This is a collection of features which are either mandatory, planned or ideas.


These features need to be implemented before the tool can be used. Without them the tool might be usable but doesn't fit into the workflow and is not very useful.

in progress Inprogress25.jpg 10%
to do
 Draw on Geometry
When enabled drawing on the surface takes surface normal as draw plane and start point as anchor instead of the 3D cursor.
to do
 Adaptive Depth
The depth is currently not very intuitive to set. Blender units are not an intuitive measurement. One idea is an aspect ration depth setting. For example: "Set the depth 2x the width."
to do
 Object scaling and view scale influence silhouette size confusingly


These features are planned and will be implemented after the mandatory features. They are not crucial to the tool but very useful.

to do
 Clipping Mode
When enabled smoothness is set to 0% and depth is set to the target geometry thickness.
to do
 Spacing and other stroke options


The Ideas are features which could be added to the silhouette operator but aren't fully developed concepts yet.

on hold
 Multistage drawing: You can see a mockup below (maximise). You have a virtual plane on which you can modify the already drawn strokes, as well as changing the tool settings after drawing.
Silhouette Operator idea two stage mockup.jpg
on hold
 Manipulators after generating the silhouette. (When finishing a stroke the last silhouette can be dragged, rotated etc to rearrange)
on hold
 Two stroke system (Draw the footprint first and then extrude with a second stroke.)