Weekly Meeting Agenda
The IRC meeting was moved from Sunday to Monday on a alternating schedule each week to accomadate developers in different time zones. For the correct meeting time, please visit the Wiki Contact page and/or the topic message in the #blendercoders channel.
All developers are invited for weekly meetings every Monday in the #blendercoders IRC channel on There are online tools to convert time zones so you can be sure what time the meeting is in your time zone. Just remember to use 'Netherlands - Amsterdam' in the top selectors and a place near where you live in the bottom one.
Meeting topics should be related to decisions, actions or progress reporting. General discussion topics belong on the mailing list, and can be done in IRC all week when meetings are not taking place. A decision related topic also should be known to everyone, by a proposal on the bf-committers mailinglist.
In addition, it'd be nice if every week someone could go over the current projects list and update the (in progress) (in trunk) etc tags appropriately.
GSOCers Reminder
GSOCers need to sign up for bf-cvs and bf-commiters mailing lists
NewDev meetings
If you want to start developing in Blender and you have questions, you can always ask them in #blendercoders each day of the week.
Each day gets a new page, where new topics are written before the meeting, and conclusions are stored after it. The moderator goes through the log and extracts all relevant info, and pastes it in the page it goes with.
Meeting agendas have been fixed to three or four topics:
- Current version or release
- Projects for the next release
- Other projects (and google summer of code)
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