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2009年10月27日 (火) 18:28時点におけるwiki>Wahooney reによる版 (Blender Advocate Campaign... thing.: new section)
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Herm, LetterRip,

Wiki is not a system enforcing order and structure, that's why we should give names to pages allowing for easy categorization, please try to have one of


in front of any page name you create. If you need more categories, please create them, but with a trailing 'Dev' to distinguish development doc tree from user doc tree



System messages

Hi LetterRip!

I found your message on irc. You can edit all system messages here: Special:Allmessages, but message that you provided can be already found here: Meta/New_Writer. Hope that help.

--Igor 09:03, 16 October 2006 (CEST)

Additional Categorization

As well as:

Manual/ Templates/ Reference/ --Roger 13:56, 21 November 2006 (CET)

Blender Advocate Campaign... thing.

I'm definitely behind you on this one. I was thinking, however, that perhaps there could be some sort of awareness campaign (I'm partial to the "Don't Be a Dick" slogan ;) ) thing that can be promoted on willing Blender community sites, like a site banner/link linking to this article or perhaps a more dollied up version hosted elsewhere.

It's sad that measures like these must be taken, then again EVERYTHING has it's fan-boys I guess. I'm glad that someone is taking steps to pull back on the leashes of ours though.
