add sound to mpeg file creation
cekuhnen - multichannel rendering (so that an external editor can tweak say the diffuse or specular layer seperately)
Frapl - ramp shader for alpha channel
puldanovak - select vertloop of a non-manifold mesh
tiemann - change cursor type for editmode
malefico - timecode/framenum stamp in renderer
malefico - unmovable UVs
malefico - object group appending?? When several objects are parented to an empty, it would rock if importing that empty would bring up everything parented to it too.
malefico - recalculate shading for all
dandeloreon1984 - viewport locking
chronoh - render border for yafray
chronoh - autorecalculate norms
chronoh - mesh color is same as object color
chronoh - UV select all pinned
philovivero - when adding vertices to a mesh the vertice should be placed so as to maintain the subdiv surface shape
philovivero - symmetric modeling <-- already there: mirror modifier
philovivero - automated welding of two meshes
philovivero - convert ALL tris to quads - forces added vertices if needed to convert a tri to a quad
bryantrueno - back face culling
konrad_ha - hidden line view and rendering
skymasterx - auto parenting of armature to bvh empties
shish - xml export in the menu export
TorQ - rotation limits on the copy rotation constraint
TorQ - use target bones local rotation for action constraint
zygom - uv texture visible in edit mode
fobsta - highlight uv's on the mesh
ElBarto -face select and edge select
ElBarto - bevel edges
JA-forreal - material setting for shadow and shadow softness (so objects with need of less detailed shadow can render faster)
stiv - Digital Elevation Model importer (format for USGS data)
poutsa - make mesh visible for an alpha transparent object (??)
poutsa - integrate python explode object effect into effects panel
ideasman - MultiTexturing/ Multiple UV coords
from maya - deform complex ipo curves with a simpler curve (possibly using a lattice object)
fls13 - poser import and export
madcello - apply autosmooth to mesh
solmax - preserve UV coordinates from a nurbs coversion to mesh
TorQ - draw vertice handles on optimized subsurf mesh - see demo video
ideasman - blender text editor functions
Blender text editor needs.
- Syntax hilighting (Toggle) (comming soon by antihc3(aka themyers)) - Bracket Matching ( patch in the tracker ) - Auto indent (patch has been made) (complete) - Double click selection with delimeters - Ctrl left, right backspace, delete to manage whole words.
crsrma - make clip end independent of grid spacing
alltaken - numeric input for edge creasing
alltaken - display crease percent near edge
poutsa - set default formats for render button
poutsa - a track bar for animation (pause, play ff, etc.)
JA-forreal - default path for projects
katharos - improved 3DS, DXF and OBJ import and export
katharos - more custom rendering fuctions (ie specifying anti-aliasing)
finty - parent material and per object child material for variation (ie for different trees)
lightning - apply to all (ie multi object select and then apply a material or other setting to all of them, etc.)
dmao - smoothing groups
z3r0_d - hard edges
ideasman - manual normal editing
joetainment - option to make turntable mode consistent with all other 3d apps (see this posting)
Aurrin - size in two directions at once
Aurrin - Restore Geometric Center
inz - hide vertices (make them unselectable) but not the mesh
thorwil - fan sliders
macouno - crease for subsurfed planes
KDR_11k - collapse face loop to edge loop
Roja - select entire bone shortcut
celeriac - import vector based textures
nuno - dwg or .sat importer (Cad formats)
malefico - hide bone by selecting and pressing H
apollux - add 'Make Buplis Real' to space bar menu
kane - retain the curve when it is converted
monkeyboi - select whether material appears in render, reflection, or both
monkeyboi - control 'ray mirror' with a texture - lamp editmode access to 'clipstart and clipend'
Monkeyboi - bundle NLA plugins with blender
Usagi - repeating blend texture (tiled?) as can be done with image textures.
kencanvey - rotate 'blend' textures
roja - render the wireframe on top of shading/texture
Yayap8 - realtime display of procedural textures (perhaps texture baking, and cache the rendering data, so that adjustments only recalculate updates?)
Merlot - dotXSI import and export
JA-forreal - 'xray vision' - have it so the mesh can be semitransparent allowing object below the edited to be seen.
Roja - show texture in edit mode
solecize - import of splines, curves, and vectors from other programs
KRUChy - popup window if export path is not set and an attempt to use Yafray is made.
solmax - conform lattice to bounding box
Tommy5 - ipo control over wave effect parameters
Tommy5 - ipo control over particles
Hwee - unlink data from sequencer
Dani - segments for colorbands (color is chosen on each side of a new slider as the gimp does - thus hard edges can be had if opposite sides of the segment are different colors).
doronko4 - lathed objects updated based on changes to original spline.
many - autoshutdown after render
roja - specify how many back up saves are done (ie a backup que, with the oldest written over each backup save)
roja - 'unweld' takes a single vertice and makes it two
ardamardar - jsr184 format
madcello - define the radius to be inscribed instead of circumscribed
mfoxdogg - use of formulas in special effects
gaiamuse - animation play stop etc interface
M@dcow - thicker slider handles
chimera - have oops objects change the buttons window to the appropriate type
hweihe - VRML2 import
ideasman - add vertex groups to the oops window
Mokeyboi - seperate face, edge and vertex modes
ideasman - collaborative rendering of blend files (perhaps similar to peer to peer?) (extension to the above by LetterRip - computers get 'credit' for rendering other peoples work, then they can 'purchase' rendering on other computers... seed group is 'trusted developers' then those who have purchased render time can use - option to have 'untrusted mode' where same piece is rendered on multiple people and then compared)
z3rO_d - 16 bit greyscale displacement maps
jorrit - relative path for linked .blend libraries
harkyman - default energy levels for lights should be similar
poutsa - customizable splash screen (remove hardcoding)
pa_furijaz - bicubic patch modelling
Roja - floating windows
-- TomMusgrove - 30 Aug 2004
Graphical remapping of hotkeys
There could maybe be a window that has a vertical list of all the possible functions/features that could be mapped. You click on a feature you want to map, and then in a section next to the function selector there is box that you can type a letter/number/mouse click into with three check marks for control, alt, and shift. These would be checked depending on exactly what keyboard-press sequence you want. There would also be a "set" button to make the hot key permanent and a "restore defaults" button.
So if I wanted "Control+Shift+A" to do something, I would click whatever function I wanted to map it for, type "a" into the little text box, check the check boxes for control and shift, and then click set. Voila. :) --Remi 17:11, 31 January 2008 (CET)