トーク:Manual.fr/PartIII/L'Éditeur de nœuds

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2007年12月13日 (木) 00:51時点におけるwiki>Cicindelleによる版
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TODO: How exactly should the reference page and this one be seperated. What shoudl e writte where?

I think it's great! The window is explained, pointed out how it is used, where to turn to for further info. This window is the only window that serves two masters. For the future, as Ton has indicated that Nodes are the way to go, we might have nodes for textures, nodes for mesh deformation, nodes for noodles, whatnot, so this provides a good structure for expanding. Good job!--Roger 13:37, 21 November 2006 (CET)

Dont strictly need 'Do Composite' paragraph...

but it's okay (and recommended) that we tell them twice. I saw in artists forum that someone forgot that step, so it's crucial and not really obvious or intuitive.

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