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< 利用者:Roger
2012年1月2日 (月) 20:19時点におけるwiki>Mindronesによる版 (moved Meta:Sandbox/Particles/Theory to User:Roger/Particles/Theory)
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The new particle system is like going from a rotary dial land-line phone to a cell phone. Ok, well maybe like from a tricycle to a crotch-rocket. The new system has three different systems, each having slightly varying four panels of buttons and controls, each panel featuring ten+ controls. Coupled with the different material settings available, forces and deflections, the possibilities are infinite.

so, the problem is how to conceptually convey what it is and how to use it, to our various audiences:

  • Casual CG/photoshop kind of user (quick and dirty, little/no understanding or blender experience)
  • Game-maker (young-un, wants cool effects in his game)
  • Average CG user
  • Professional CG artist on a deadline (I don't care how it works, just what do I need to set up so it can look like what I have in mind)
  • Competitive produce user/convert (so, like, Maya does smoke, why doesn't blender? <said in whiny voice>)
  • Collegiate researcher/experimenter (needs accurate info/precision/tolerances and understanding of how simulation works)
  • Coder - Jahka's not gonna live forever (sorry to break it to ya). Also, someone might want to start their own branch, or actually help with the next release

Available Resources

Core: /Manual

Existing doco may be used as a guide

Core: /Game Engine

not sure what's there

Core: /Glossary

not sure what's there

Tuts: /Tutorial


Support: /Reference

There's a blank structure set up

Devs: /DeveloperWiki

and maybe Jahka's web site? any Release Notes?

Possible Authors include

  • end users who know nothing about the code (like me--Roger)
  •  ?<your name here>

References/Links: <see [BlenderNation article]

  1. General information about the new particle system.
  2. Documentation on the rewrite of the particle system.
  3. Rewrite information.
  4. Introduction to the new particle system.
  5. System settings.
  6. None physics setting.
  7. Newtonian particle systems.
  8. Boids particle systems.
  9. Particle boids.
 10. Boids example.
 11. Explode with particles.
 12. Particle collision.
 13. Harmonic effector.
 14. Blenderartist's thread discussing the new particle system.
 15. Creating candle smoke with new particle system. (.blend file available)
 16. Blenderartist's thread discussing hair creation.
 17. Creating a feather with the new particle system. (.blend file available)
 18. Setting up boids system.
 19. Hair video tutorials.
 20. 10-minute Blender hair tutorial.
 21. Another Blender hair tutorial. (.pdf)
 22. Blender hair inspiration and some tips.

Wiki Solution

I propose a comprehensive coverage of the subject, using each resource for its intended purpose. Division of responsibilities across the different resources:

  • Manual shows how to use blender to get the desired effect.
  • Tutorial shows them step by step how to build up and tailor the desired effect
  • Reference explains what each little control and slider and number does
  • Game_Engine focuses on speed and use within game
  • DeveloperWiki documents the code behind the panels


For each system, Description, Options, Examples of different settings

Options section is broken down by Use, and each includes comprehensive links to and discussions about related areas of Blender, i.e. Force Fields, interactions with Softbodies, impacts of using different Materials, etc.

However, for this problem we need to stress links to the other resources, or else maintenence will become a nightmare, or, like with the Compositing nodes, one or more documents won't get the attention they deserve and it will all fall to one docuement (by default, the Manual)

For example, there might be a Manual example Creating Smoke where the net-net end result is shown. For more info, the user will be linked to the Tutorial on making smoke that shows them step-by-step how to achieve it and tailor the different setting to get different kinds of smoke.


Step by step, starting with a new blend file, tutorials on Uses: - Hair - Fur - Fire - Smoke - Clouds - Grass


For each of the four panels:

Snapshot each panel
explain in detail what each control/slider does individually. use geek language.
Have breakouts or tables that show what slider/control is used with each system. Ok, there are definitely very different flavors of each panel for each system.


is anyone even working on this?


I used to be enthralled with snapshotting the panel and highlighting the sliders or panel area under discussion. However, it's a maintenance nightmare. For particles, I propose that we use a common set of images across the user manual, tutorials, the reference, and release notes to the maximum extent possible.

I propose that all panel snapshots, of default or unadjusted settings, be in the Reference manual and be named Reference-Particle-whatever.jpg and be referenced generally as Image:Reference-Particle-whatever.jpg|right|thumb|200px|whatever Panel

The User manual and tutorials may share this image, or have images of their own, set with whatever settings are being discussed to yield whatever result is being achieved.