Doc talk:2.4/Tutorials/Game Engine/BSoD

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2018年6月29日 (金) 03:44時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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I cant figure out how to make textures show up in the game. I used the UV editor and opened a file, selected tex fac, and most importantle, put the shading type on textured, as you said will make the textures appear. I have the programing down easily, but now I need Graphics. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong.

awesome tutorial!

I feel like I really have to post something because this is perhaps the best tutorial I've ever seen: Clear, sticking to the essentials and explaining exactly how to proceed, and powerful, in that I was starting with essentially nothing and after the tutorial was at the point of creating a distributable (simple, of course) game, amazing. Great work, whoever wrote this!!

Physics trouble

I'm having trouble getting the "Making a Model Physical Within the GE" Section.

In version 2.49, I see things much differently. For instance, I don't just see an actor button. I see:

Static <> Actor Ghost Invisible Advanced

Also, I don't have dynamic button. It appears in the dropdown menu occupied by static.

Hence, I when I enter all of the information into the actuators, It doesn't work.

This is a wonderful tutorial. Does anyone know a great tut for 2.49 GE?

I'm trying to teach high school students the Game Engine.