Extensions:2.4/Py/Scripts/Toolkits/Add Menu

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2018年6月29日 (金) 03:42時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Add Menu Toolkit Blender 2.49

This Script Bundle provides new scripts to Blender's Add Menu, AddMesh Menu & Sculptie support

   * Cells v1.2_249
   * Docimal_Vault-0.0.6_249
   * Flatten_249
   * Hang_Curve_249
   * Head Creator_249
   * Implicitskeleton_249
   * Pollerdi_249
   * Saltshaker_249
   * Spiral Stair_249
   * Stairs Creator_249
   * Torus_Knot_249
   * Torus_primative_249
   * Circular_Stairway_249
   * Diamond_249
   * Gears_249
   * Hyperboloid_249
   * Ladder_249
   * Octahedron_249
   * Paraboloid_249
   * Pipe joints_249
   * Pipe_249
   * Pyramid_249
   * Sculpt Mesh_249
   * Spindle_249
   * Sqorus_249
   * Star_249
   * Thread_249
   * Twisted Torus_249
   * Wedge_249
   * Export .lsl
   * Image_sculptie_lod
   * Import_sculptie
   * Mesh_update_sculptie
   * Render_sculptie
   * UVcalc_eac

Py_Add_Mesh_Menu Toolkit Blender 2.49

A Collection of scripts for the Add Mesh Spacebar menu & Scripts Add Menu & Secondlife(tm) "Sculptie" Support & bpymodules.

All Scripts included are licensed under the GPL General Public License or Creative Commons 3.0 by-sa, Blender Artistic License, or found in the Public Domain or Other Friendly Terms.

Please see individual Scripts for individual license.

Thanks go to the Authors of these scripts.

some scripts have beem modified to include: Authors Details. BPY Doc Text. GPL License Block where applicable. Other small fixes. Scripts are provided "As Is". They should all work but some are old.


To install these scripts in Blender. unzip the folder Add_Menu Toolkit 249 Copy & Paste the 4 folders & 1 Image inside to your default scripts location. on windows this is Blender//.blender/scripts. The bpymodules folder may cause ask to "Overwrite" this is ok as only new modules are installed.

more information on these scripts can be found here: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Catalog#Add

any questions about this toolkit may be directed to: Brendon Murphy (meta-androcto) on irc freenode #blenderwiki or pm on blender artists forums

