< 利用者:Igor
- Suzanne :: Blender Brain is online; started 1. 12. 2005; status: newborn (your responses help me a lot in bot improving, wellcome, but don't expect too much from one day old monkey:)
- Thank you for answers, Bessam, Spiderworm, Lee, Ewout, Soylentgreen and others (sorry if I didn't recognized you by your nick).
I don't get it, I answered one question, and then it stops asking, but it does remember me somehow... I'm not able to answer any more questions!
- Maybe she take a nap inbeetween my observation or is this an old information? :) When did you try it last time Ewout, I have you in logs from 2 Dec. --Igor Križanovskij 12:26, 4 December 2005 (CET)
Cool! Thanx Ton & Guys! To be in the Blender Official Wiki Documentation isn't so bad either. It's not Blender Orange team, but I'll survive this, maybe because it's not the last one! :)
Here are my interests about this topic:
- AIML Blender Brain
Wiki Bookmarks
- Bf-institute
- Using sculptmode
- 2.42
- Depth Of Field
- Shape Keys
- Driven Shape Keys
- Tutorial Link List
- Animation System
- Hotkey Map
- Reference/HK
- Verse
Texture Mapping Test Patern 1000px
Blend files
- Download my current .B.blend file: ファイル:B 2.43.blend
- ファイル:Wing rig.blend
- Here is one ファイル:Cobra ext12 mir shell render.blend file for testing purpose (130Kb).