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How you can share your extensions

bf-extensions Trackers

If you are a script or plugins developer, you can upload your extensions in one of Bf-Extensions Trackers:


To get your script/plugin tested and then accepted in Blender you have to follow this workflow:

Exclamation mark.png

Here are some quick and general advices, once your addon is in contrib, and you have got a SVN access. Please also read above links!

Rules for Extension Developers

  • Join bf-extensions-cvs and bf-python mailing lists.
  • Ask questions on #blenderpython IRC channel.
  • Make your script pep8 compliant (for best practice see: best practice).
  • Create a wiki page, at least briefly documenting your addon, and a few pics showing it at work.
  • Feel free to test other coders’ addons, and commit small fixes to their code (like e.g. typo, obvious bug fixes).
  • Commit code that is not GPL2+.
  • Commit code you are not the author (unless of course you have the author’s authorization)!
  • Move your addon from contrib to trunk! This will be done by an admin, once your code has been reviewed and got consensus.
  • Commit changes to other coders’s addons (like e.g. adding/removing features, or changing behavior), unless you get the author’s permission.
  • Commit binary files like .exe .pyc, .pyd, dlls, etc.
  • Add full log inside your code – svn is here for this!

IRC Channels

Please come and discuss any problem or idea in our developers channels. Especially you’ll find people to help you in #blenderpython. See you there!