利用者:Roger/End of Module Reviews/Materials/Summary

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Materials Summary

  • Materials are the way to give color to an object, including lamps, meshes, nurbs and spline surfaces, and the whole world.
  • Materials are accessed through the Buttons Window, Shading (f5) context, Material Buttons sub-context
  • The actual color of an object rendered in a scene depends on the color of the lamp, the world, the object itself, and many other factors
  • A color is computed based on many settings made in the Materials buttons panels (about 8 of them)
  • A mesh can have many materials, each material assigned to a set of faces.
  • Material settings can be shared by many objects in the scene
  • A Shader is an algorithm that computes the shades of a color to simulate different kinds of coatings and real-world components.
  • Diffuse is the name of the base or flat color
  • Specular is the name of the highlight color shown under intense light
  • Hardness controls the size of the Specular shine
  • A Diffuse or Specular color can be a single color or a Color Ramp of varying color values
  • SSS is short for Sub-surface Scattering, and adds color based on the color of the interior of the object
  • Ambient is the amount of influence that the world color has on the object
  • Emit controls the amount of reflected light that the object radiates into the scene (see Radiosity).
  • Material Node trees, called Noodles, can be used to give precise and augmented/extended control
  • Transparency is set by using either Z-Transparency or Ray-traced Transparency and controlled by the Alpha slider
  • Textures add additional layers to the material (see Textures).