利用者:Brita/GSoC BGE cleanup and support/reports/week9
GSoC14 - Weekly Report #9
July 12 - 18th - BGE Cleanup and Support
This Week
- bug tracker: 6 closed
- scene graph: more cleanup commits, I have sent an email with some generic doubts and kept updating the documentation page
- physics: I spent 2 days looking at bullet code and documentation and clearing doubts with Sergej Reich. I find this time I took for understanding things very helpful and I now have an overview of how things work (would it be useful to make a doc for this too?) Most of my insight came from a presentation from Erwin Coumans: http://www.multithreadingandvfx.org/course_notes/GPU_rigidbody_using_OpenCL.pdf
- The paper describes his latest work to optimize the rigid body pipeline. In short, Erwin already refactored and included several optimizations in the bullet 2.x code (which Blender is using). The 3.x version is not yet complete and is a full re-write to run on OpenCL. It is supposed to be quite fast, capable of simulating 100 thousand rigid bodies in real time. It is a complete re-write because the previous algorithms and data structures did not translate well to parallel computing. Bullet 3.x follows different philosophies, it is written in C and not C++ and the API is more limited. All this makes it sound difficult (and early) to make the jump from 2.x to 3.x
- bge developer meeting - the meeting's goals will be to report back and decide short term goals only. We will merge this with the regular weekly meeting.
- I also spent one full day with an input bug that I did not yet fix.
General Development
Fixed (Reported)
- None
Fixed (Unreported)
- None
Closed / Archived / Invalid
- T19714 - get/setChannel() with multiple actions bug [2.49b]
- T38320 - MAC Standalone Blendplayer Shuts Down
- T40990 - Full Crash of Blender Game engine without any message
- T41069 - Text Alignment doesn't work as expected.
- T41030 - bug blender game
- T41037 - Dynamic texture refresh cpu performance problem
Total: 0 fixed, 6 closed
Next Week
- tackle the physics bugs in the tracker (now that I spent some time understanding the basics). There are currently 46 to choose from.
- keep up with the scene graph