Blender Test
With the purpose to easy the test of the SoC project and help finding optimizaton directions, a python script has been developped.
A sample html output can be seen at: http://andresp.no-ip.org/soc2009/btest/html/render.html
Source code: https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/branches/soc-2009-jaguarandi/test
This test script uses 4 concepts:
current machine (configured on config.py)
a blender binary (*.bin) (given as argument)
A .blend scene (*.blend) (given as argument)
A test-run is the result of running a build against a scene on a given machine test-run results are saved on:
<config.run_path>/<machine_hash>/<build_hash>/<case_hash>/result.xml <config.run_path>/<machine_hash>/<build_hash>/<case_hash>/1.png
and save information like: time, stderr, stdout, exit_code, image result
blendertest.py <action> <paths>
- all .blend found while walking the paths are considered as a test case
- all .bin found while walking the paths are considered builds
action can be one of:
--update (run tests cases on the given builds/cases) --html (outputs a comparison table between the given builds/cases)
as so running builds against test case can be as simple as:
blendertest.py --update <paths_with_cases> <paths_with_builds> blendertest.py --update case/test249/render build/rev12345.bin
to generate an html comparison use:
blendertest.py --html <path_with_cases> <paths_with_builds> bendertest.py --html build/ case/ > html/all.html