Dev:Ref/Release Notes/2.65/Addons

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Blender 2.65: Addons


  • Film Response addon from Mango project added.
    Generates the corresponding look up table from a specific film response to the active RGB curves compositor node - r3991

Import / Export

  • PDB importer/exporter received improvements and fixes.
    • The panel was removed from the importer and is now a separate addon (installation) - r3923
    • PDB importer/exporter: NURBS, Mesh and Meta (new) balls can now be chosen as atoms - r3949
    • Fix: PDB-Export: wrong export of atom positions in dupliverts structures - r3853
    • Fix: PDB-Export: wrong element name for Si, Ag was used instead - r3910


  • UV-Texture to Vertex Colors baking addon added.
    Updated for BMesh, support added for multiple textures, layer replacement and transparency (also see documentation) - r3995, r4003