Extensions:2.4/Py/Scripts/Wizards/Geodesic dome

提供: wiki
移動先: 案内検索
Create geo objects.
UI location Group: Wizards
Version 2.0 Author(s) Andy Houston (serendipiti)
Blender 2.42a - 2.48 License N/A
Note(s) Also in the Wizards Toolkit Bundle.

For optional speed up, the Python Psyco Module can be used with the 'Wiki' script. http://psyco.sourceforge.net/

Executable information
File name gui.py
Current version download updated version in rar-archive on blenderWiki - Script update for Blender 2.45: Geodesic_Domes_Mod.rar (2008.02.15) - script+binaries as archive file ".zip"
Python modules In folder 'geodesic_2.0 '

Links http://members.aol.com/demalion2/geodesic2.html


Geodesic overview1.jpg

from Andy Houston

  • Geodesic spheres based on icosahedrons, octahedrons and tetrahedrons.
  • No domes yet.
  • Triangular, hexagonal and hex/tri combo face options.
  • A function that turns the current shape into its geometric dual (sort of).
  • Grid, Cylinder, Parabola, Torus and Ball primitives.
  • NEW Hubs and Struts. Fill out those edges and vertices with your custom, decorative meshes.
  • NEW Superformula deforming. Create rounded triangles, wobbly shapes etc.
  • Tabbed GUI for (hopefully) ease of use.

from Meta-Androcto

  • This Script can be used to create Geodesic Objects, not limited to Domes or Spheres,
  • it can create several object types & even apply geodesic formula to your own mesh.
  • A very useful script. A modified Version is now available above.
  • A full list of changes I have made is in geodesic_2.0_mod.py in the new download.

Instructions ( Quick )

  • Instructions are shown when you start the script, here's a copy:
  • Start with the Main tab. Choose a shape to work on.
  • The Formula tab has sliders that can warp & twist the object. (optional)
  • The Faces page creates a new mesh based on the main one, with the faces
  • altered according to the menu options. ie: Spikes, Holes, pillow & more.
  • On the Struts page, import a small Blender Mesh. It will be recreated along
  • each edge of the mesh, suitably scaled & stretched.
  • If both meshes have a lot of vertices, you may experience problems.

(save your work before using this option.)

  • The Hubs page is similar, but the imported mesh is recreated at the
  • vertices of the main mesh.
  • Experiment & Have Fun.


Interface/Menu Overview 1

  • Download the script & place it in Blender's default script folder.
  • Open the Script from the Scripts/Wizards Menu.
  • The Script GUI will appear.
  • Features: Sliders, Numeric Input, Buttons, Menu.
  • Main Menu
Scripts manual wizards geodesic interface1.jpg
  • Formula Deform Modifier.
  • Faces Geometry Modifier.
  • Struts Strut Modifier.
  • Hubs Hub Modifier.
  • Help Help System.
  • Object Menu (Choose Object Type)
  • Geodesic Grid Cylinder Parabola
  • Torus Ball Your mesh
  • Each of the Objects has it's own parameters
  • I will use Geodesic Objects as the example.
  • Frequency Polyhedron Divisions.
  • Radius The Overall Radius.
  • Stretch Scale X Plane.
  • Flatten Scale Z Plane.
  • Square x/y Super ellipse X/Y Plane.
  • Super rotate Rotate the Squareness.
  • Square z Super ellipse Z Plane.
  • Super rotate Rotate the squareness.
  • Class 1 Class 2 Subdivide Triangle or Triacon.
  • Tetrahedron Octahedron Isosahedron Hedron Type.
  • Point up Edge up Face up Orientation of basic Hedron.
  • Tri faces Hex faces Star faces Basic Shape.
  • Duel Face to Vert swap, Edges Flip.
  • Spherical Base Polyhedron Subdivided but not Sphericalized.
  • Exit Exit the script.

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Interface/Menu Overview 2

  • Formula Menu
  • Formula 1 Formula Setting.
  • Formula 2 Formula Setting.
  • Formula is on Turn On Formula Wizard.
  • The following settings scale & Taper & change the Formula.
  • Sides around.
  • Phase .
  • Twist .
  • N 1 .
  • N 2 .
  • N 3 .
  • A .
  • B .
  • Formula 2 has similar options.

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Interface/Menu Overview 3

  • Faces Menu
  • Mesh name Name your mesh.
  • Useful for multiple Geodesic Objects
  • Faces are on Turn On Faces.
  • Strip 11 Facet (face) Types.
  • Strip Open vertical Open slanted
  • Closed point Pillow Closed vertical
  • Stepped Spiked Boxed
  • Diamond profile Bar
  • Width Adjust the width of the face.
  • Height Adjust the height of the face.
  • Relative Relative or Absolute Faces.
  • Detach Make Faces into separate Objects.

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Interface/Menu Overview 4

  • Struts Menu
  • Import a mesh Import Selected mesh.
  • Output name Name the Mesh Output.
  • Struts are on Turn On Struts.
  • Width Adjust the width of the face.
  • Height Adjust the height of the face.
  • Relative Relative or Absolute Faces.
  • Shrink Overall Scale.
  • Stretch Stretch along Strut.
  • Raise/lower Distance from object center.

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Interface/Menu Overview 5

  • Hubs Menu
  • Import a mesh Import Selected mesh.
  • Output name Name the Mesh Output.
  • Hubs are on Turn On Hubs.
  • Width Adjust the width of the face.
  • Height Adjust the height of the face.



Thanks go to:

  • Andy Houston for The Script, Permissions.