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2011年11月11日 (金) 21:43時点における版

straight-Line Tool for Texture-Paint-Mode

There should be a straight-Line-Tool for Texture-Paint-Mode. It would be nice to have something like hold Shift while painting draws a line from the last painted point to the point where I clicked.

Anisotropic texture shader (example: for hair)

according to me blender should have anisotropic shader. thanks developers. thanks blender

Support for dds textures in the viewport

dds with dxt compression is the native format for storing compresed textures in graphic cards and the favored format for games because of various other reasons. The current situation is that you can load, point to a dds texture and this can be used by game exporters, however the texture itself is not displayed in the viewport, you only get a plain pink color instead which isnt very convenient.

New Option for stitch

There should be the option for stitch in the uv/image editor, that it doesn't move pinned vertices. This would open new ways at the usage of LSCM.

please be more specific. When you stitch two UV coordinates together, the new stitched one has to be placed somewhere; either at one or the other's location, or somewhere in between.--Roger 15:36, 9 April 2007 (CEST)

Nodes <- Yes, texture nodes. Add them. :)

Input (Geometry) "Edge gradients"

  • Works similar to fake AO with vertex colors
  • color depending on angle of surounding faces/geometry: white=tips/spikes black=grooves/holes/etc.
  • See http://www.flickr.com/photos/63231715@N00/529673646/ for an example of what would be possible (more easily and without changing geometry or vertex colors)

--Hoehrer 09:52, 5 June 2007 (CEST)

Color filters: Blur & Edge Detection

  • Other additional filters would be nice, but these two alone already help a lot.

--Hoehrer 09:52, 5 June 2007 (CEST)

A way to "Output" textures and use them in the/a material again

A way to "Output" textures and use them in the/a material again

  • e.g. one source texture produces multiple node-modified bumpmaps or something similar
  • Using them directly for bump/spec/etc. from within the node-tree would be fine as well.

Long description & example

Compositor or Material node that can output to a (image-)texture that can be used in a material (or anywhere a TE: object can be used).

When to use:

Imagine you have a pretty nice texture for your model, but you want to apply it to your model(s) in different ways. If all of these ways are simple operations that can be done either in material- or compositor-nodes (if it's possible in both we can texa advantage of the compositors advanced filters) it would be great to have another 'Output' nodes that stores the calculated image-data in a TE:Tex object

Node setup example (i hope it's clear enough, i can make images as well ;) ):

  • TE:Tex1 -> ColorRamp -> Tex Output (TE:Tex2)
  • TE:Tex1 -> ColorRamp -> Tex Output (TE:Tex3)
  • NT:NodeMat
    • Mix
      • MA:Material
      • MA:Material.001

So where do the output nodes effect the material-node? ..... Used output nodes - A material then uses the two created TE objects for it's effects:

  • MA:Material1
    • TE:Clouds
    • TE:Tex2
    • TE:Tex3

I suspect this would create some recursive in certain cases, but nothing some checks can't prevent (=> display as red nodes).

I also think this may not be possible in a Material NodeTree because the image-data is represented differently (i.e with normal data) than in the Compositor (i may be wrong here), but in the compositor it should would work relatively good.

--Hoehrer 09:52, 5 June 2007 (CEST)

UV Image Editor

With the addition of multiple UV Textures and flexibility comes some necessary housekeeping and potentialities.

Delete UV Coordinates

If you accidentally select extraneous faces and unwrap them, there is no way currently to remove those UV coordinates from the UV map. I'm requesting an X key to delete selected UV coordinates from a UV Texture. --Roger 15:52, 9 April 2007 (CEST)--Roger 15:52, 9 April 2007 (CEST)

Add IOR to Map To for Texture

I was reading a paper on physically-based modeling of fire and it seemed to me that similar effects could be done in Blender if you could use a texture to vary the IOR of a material. Even better would be allowing the modeler the option of varying the IOR data for the texture during animation. I suspect that is already possible, using a generated texture.

Rben13 20:59, 17 February 2009 (UTC)

Real-time video and image sequence texture updating

In order to composite live video (i.e. green screened live characters)into a Blender 3D scene, it is necessary for the video textured onto an object such as a plane to automatically update when frames are changed. Currently, in GLSL material mode, a video texture doesn't update when scrubbing through frames on the time line or NLA window so it is impossible to interact 3D objects with the video texture. You have to click the reload button on the texture panel (F6) to update the video texture but this is not conducive to proper compositing. The desired design would be that all video or image sequence textures would automatically update when the frame is advanced wether they are selected or not. This would allow controlling the interaction of even two or more video texture characters with the 3D objects. This feature would also prove invaluable in visualizing video textures such as moving leaves while building a scene in GLSL mode. If graphics performance were an issue then it is suggested that a switch be added to the texture window to enable or disable real-time updating. The default would be enabled.

ericsh6 11:04, 31 May 2009 (UTC)

Add Planet Texture by Farsthary

Farsthary has created an awesome new texture called "Planet". Using the following link, you can view examples, download builds for Linux, Windows, and Mac, get sample .blend files, and get the .diff if you want to build your own. http://farsthary.wordpress.com/2010/11/28/the-planet-texture-patch/

Add some drawing features

blender uv/texture editor

- shapes drawing
- selection tools
- flood filling
- fill and stroke

ivano.arrighetta 13:41, 11 Novembre 2011 (GMT+1)