Dev:Ref/Release Notes/2.66/Modifiers
Blender 2.66: Modifiers
Mesh Cache Modifier
The mesh-cache modifier supports MDD and PC2 formats to apply animation from an external file onto a mesh, with support for re-timing and re-integrating shape-keys (any deformations) from the base mesh.
Mesh Cache Modifier Documentation
UV Warp Modifier
The UV Warp modifier lets you rotate/scale/translate existing UV maps using objects or bones.
UV Warp Modifier Documentation
Laplacian Smooth Modifier and Shape Enhanced
The Laplacian Smooth and Shape Enhanced modifiers let you reduce noise on a mesh surface with minimal changes to its shape, and exaggerate a shape using a Laplacian smoothing modifier in the reverse direction using a single parameter <math> factor </math>, that supports negative and positive values: negative for enhancement and positive for smoothing.
Full documentation and example .blend files are in the
Laplacian Smooth and Shape Enhanced Modifier Documentation
The shape enhancement method makes it possible to caricaturize models.