テンプレート:Release Notes/2.48/Contributors

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2018年6月29日 (金) 02:50時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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New Significant Contributors (2.48)

These individuals have made a significant contribution to Blender for the first time this release cycle - welcome to the team :)

  • Benoit Bolsee (Game Engine bug fixing, logic states, character animation)
  • Hamed Zaghaghi (Sun Sky & atmosphere, Ocean sim (branch) - zaghaghi)
  • André Pinto (Shrinkwrap & Simple modifiers - jaguarandi)
  • Davide Vercelli (Lightcuts (branch) - unclezeiv)
  • Maxime Curioni (Freestyle render API integration (branch) - mxcurioni)
  • Ian Thompson (Python text editor improvements - quorn)
  • Enrico Fracasso (GE Web plug-in - eof)

Active Significant Contributors

These individuals have contributed a substantial amount of code for the current release and/or bug fixing and/or are active module maintainers and/or play a major role in Release Management and or Site/Wiki Maintenance. (Note that this is a work in progress - please add any omissions and move any misclassification :) )

  • Andrea Weikert - (Image browser, Icons, Windows platform & MSVC - elubie)
  • Ben Batt - (modifer stack upgrade - artificer)
  • Bill L.Nieuwendorp (MDD import/export)
  • Bob Holcomb (Nodes; MD2 import; - scourge)
  • Brecht Van Lommel - (GLSL support, UV tools; paint tools; Inverse kinemations; sequencer enhancements - brecht)
  • Campbell Barton - (Python Scripts and Python API, UV Tools, sequencer enhancements - ideasman_42)
  • Charlie C - (Game Engine Graphics updates - snailrose)
  • Chris Want - (Make Files - Hos)
  • Daniel Genrich (cloth sim, fluids integration - Genscher)
  • David Millán (Sequencer transform effect - damiles)
  • Diego Hernan Borghetti (X11, releases, stable branch, bugfixing - Bdiego)
  • DJ Capelis - (Linux Maintainer - DJCapelis)
  • Ed Halley - ( - Halley)
  • Erwan Jacq - (French Translation - eon)
  • Erwin Coumans - (Bullet Physics - erwin)
  • Festila Catalin - ( Romanian Translation - Mythcat)
  • Geoffrey Bantle - (Mesh tools - Briggs)
  • Jacques Beuarain - (CMake - jbinto)
  • Jens Ole Wund - (Softbodies - bjornmose)
  • Jean-Michel Soler (numerous scripts - jms)
  • Jiri Hnidek - (Metaballs; Verse - Jiri)
  • JLuc Peuriere - (dependency graph - lukep)
  • Joe Eager ( Properties - joeedh)
  • Joilnen Leite (Font preview - pidhash)
  • Joseph Gilbert (Python Animation API - Ascotan)
  • Joshua Leung (Animation Improvements, Grease Pencil - Aligorith)
  • Juho Vepsalainen (Blender Nodes - BeBraw
  • Ken Hughes (Linux platform manager, Python Mesh Module - khughes)
  • Kent Mein (Solaris platform manager, imaging - Sirdude)
  • Markus Ilmola - (MilkShape3D importer; Soft halos; - Glome)
  • Martin Poirier (Transforms code; snapping - theeth)
  • Matt Ebb (UI improvements - broken)
  • Nathan Letwory (Scons build system, Windows release build - jesterKing)
  • Nicholas Bishop (Sculpt and Retopo)
  • Nils Thuerey (Fluid Dynamics - n_t)
  • Peter Schlaile - (sequencer upgrade; speed control - schlaile)
  • Pieter Visser (Collada 1.4)
  • Remigiusz Fiedler - (DXF importer/exporter - migius)
  • Roland Hess (animation related features; blenderpeople - harkyman)
  • Stephen Swaney (Python API - stivs)
  • Tom Musgrove (script maintenance and release management - LetterRip)
  • Ton Roosendaal (Blender creator and lead dev - ton)
  • Willian Padovani Germano - (Python API and scripts - ianwill)

More contributors:

  • Luca Bonavita (mindrones)
  • Werner Höhrer
  • Olivier Saraja (OlivS)
  • Purple
  • Quartz
  • RCRuiz
  • Rui Campos (rcas)
  • Sionix
  • Spiderworm
  • Zaz

Developer Platforms

These individuals use and develop for these specific platforms (as a minimum). Even though it's a limited list, it will give users a clear indication that they're safe with a similar system:

  • Developer: OS Flavor Chip Graphics Card
  • Nathan Letwory
    • Vista Home Premium (32bit), AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+ ATi HD 3400
  • Joshua Leung
    • Vista Home Premium (32bit), 2.16 GHz Intel Core2 Duo, 2GB Ram, NVIDIA GeForce Go 7600 256MB,
  • Michael Fox
    • Linux32 (OpenSuSE11.0), 2.8Ghz CeleronD, 512MB ram , GeForce6200 256MB
  • Dustin Martin
    • OSX 10.5, Dual Quad Intel Mac Pro 2.8, GeForce 8800 GT, 16GB RAM, MacbookPro and MacPro both have the WWDC development preview of Snow Leopard
  • Dustin Martin
    • [ OSX 10.5, OSX 10.6, Vista-64] Dual Quad Intel Mac Pro 2.8, GeForce 8800 GT, 16GB RAM
    • [ OSX 10.6, XP], Macbook Pro 2.4, GeForce 8600M, 4GB RAM
    • OSX 10.5, MacMini 1.8, Intel GMA 950, 2GB RAM
  • Dalai Felinto
    • Vista Home Premium 64bits, Intel Core 2 Duo CPU P7350@2.00GHz, 4GB Ram, NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT, 4.0G RAM
    • Ubuntu Linux 8.04 (same specs)
  • Lars Krueger
    • Gentoo Linux, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, NVIDIA 7300, builds from portage and from SVN
  • Brecht Van Lommel
    • Ubuntu Linux (32+64 bit), Intel Core 2 Duo, Nvidia GeForce 8800 GTS
    • OSX 10.4, PPC G4, ATI Radeon 9600 (Mobility 9700)
    • Vista 32 bit, Intel Core 2 Duo, Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT
  • Kent Mein
    • Ubuntu Linux 64 bit, Intel Core 2 Duo, Nvidia Guadro FX 1400
    • OSX 10.5, Macbook(Intel Core 2 Duo), Intel GMA X3100
    • SunOS 5.8+, Sunblade 150, ATI PGX (PCI 8-bit)
  • Diego Borghetti
    • Linux Slackware 12.1, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz, nvidia 8400 GT
    • Linux Ubuntu 7.10, Athlon 64 X2 5200+, nvidia 8600 GT
  • Ken Hughes
    • Ubuntu Linux 32-bit, Intel Core 2 Duo, nVidia GeForce Go 7600
    • Ubuntu Linux 64-bit, AMD Athlon 64 X2, nVidia GeForce 6600
  • Campbell Barton
    • Slackware (gcc 4.3.2, linux 2.6.27, xorg7.4), AMD 64 X2 3800+ (32bit), GeForce 8800-GT 1gig.
  • Timothy Baldridge
    • SGI Irix 6.5 Origin350 8x 700Mhz R16000 (Headless)
    • SGI Irix 6.5 Octane 2x 300Mhz R10000 V8 Graphics
  • Andrea Weikert
    • Windows XP 32 bit, AMD Athlon 5200+ 64 Dual Core, NVIDIA Quadro FX1500
    • Ubuntu 7.10 (probably upgrade soon to Ubuntu 8.10), AMD Athlon 5200+ 64 Dual Core, NVIDIA Quadro FX1500
    • Windows XP 32 bit, Intel Pentium 4, ATI Radeon 9000
  • Benoit Bolsee
    • Windows XP SP3, AMD Athlon XP 2600+, ATI Radeon 9200 128Mb
  • Farsthary
    • Ubuntu Linux 8.04 Pentium D 945 1 Gb ram Ati X1550

Inactive Significant Contributors

These individuals have made a substantial contribution in the past, but were inactive or made only a small contribution for the current release cycle

  • Aemilia
  • Alejandro Conty Estevez - (yafray - jandro)
  • Alexander Ewering - (misc - 3D text - intrr)
  • Alfredo de Greef - (yafray - eeshlo)
  • Arne Schmitz - ( - aschmitz)
  • Benoit Foucque - (Lip Synchro Script - Dienben)
  • Chris Burt - (wood texture - Desoto)
  • Daniel Dunbar - (Modifier Stack and fast subsurf - zuster)
  • Ed Blake - (DXF importer - kitsu)
  • Hans Lambermont - ( - h_xnan)
  • joao eduardo - (gameengine fixes - dreamkatana)
  • Johnny Matthews (mesh tools - guitargeek)
  • Kester Maddock (Game Engine Maintenance - kester)
  • Marc Freixas (Boolean code - mfreixas)
  • Mika Saari (internationalization - mikasaari)
  • Mikael Lagre - (Collada 1.3)
  • Ricki Myers - ( - themyers)
  • Robert Wenzlaff ( - rwenzlaff)
  • Rob Haarsma ( - phase)
  • Roel Spruit (mesh tools - goofster)
  • Simon Clitherow ( - aphex )
  • Stefan Gartner ( - sgefant)
  • Toni Alatalo - (script and API maintenance - antont)
  • Wouter van Heyst - ( - larstiq)
  • Jorge Bernal (Minnaert & Wardiso shaders - lordloki)
  • Stefano Selleri - (knife tool script S68)
  • R3gis - (animation trajectory script - R3gis)
  • Jean-Baptiste Perin (Empties to Armatures - Perin)
  • Loic Berthe - Bevel Center Script
  • Arben Omari - Direct X import/export
  • Evan J. Rosky - Discombobulator
  • Greg MacDonald - FLT importer
  • Anthony D'Agostino - numerous import and export scripts
  • Bart - VRML Export and X3D export
  • Bruce merry - ply import and export
  • Dino Ghilardi - fig export
  • Elira - XSI export

Code Contributors

These individuals have contributed a patch or bug fixes or minor scripts

  • Frank Papenmeier, multiple material Ipos per mesh
  • A Vanpoucke - axis copy script
  • Daniel Salazar - LWO motion format export
  • Guillermo S. Romero
  • Jonas Petersen - envelope symmetry
  • Mal CanDo - game engine bug fixes, XSI script improvements
  • Radek Barton - open inventor export
  • Stani Michiels - Python Library for generating DXF drawings

Significant Documentation Contributors

Significant Documentation Contributors are individuals who have done a great deal of writing, editing, or translating of the Documentation

Other Contributors

  • 2006 Blender Summer of Documentation: 10 grants of 500 euro each, sponsored by http://TheLinuxFund.org and Blender Foundation.