Dev:Ref/Release Notes/2.69

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Blender 2.69 Release Notes

The Blender Foundation and online developer community is proud to present Blender 2.69.

Download Blender 2.69


Mesh bisect.png

A new hidden wire display option was added to help with retopology. Mesh Bisect is a new tool to cut meshes in half. The Bridge, Edgenet fill, Grid fill and Symmetrize tools were improved. New curve and lattice editing tools were added too.

Cycles Rendering

269 sss.jpg

Hair rendering was improved with a new Hair shader and reorganized settings. Subsurface scattering uses a new sampling algorithm and now supports bump mapping and texture blurring. Sky rendering now uses a more accurate sky model. New blackbody, vector transform and HSV nodes were added. The non-progressive integrator was renamed to Branched Path Integrator, and is now available for GPU rendering.

Motion Tracker

Blender2.69 MotionTracker Cropped.png

The Motion tracker now supports plane tracking, which can be used to replace billboards, screens and other flat things in footage.

More Features

Lists in the user interface can now be resized, sorted and filtered. Further there are small improvements for vertex parenting, empty objects, the shrinkwrap modifier, mask editing, armatures, f-curves and drivers.


FBX Import support has been added and FBX/OBJ can now export split normals (without the need for the edge split modifier).

Bug Fixes

In addition to the new features, over 270 bugs that existed in previous releases have been fixed.