Meta:2.4/Wiki Tasks/Blender 2.43
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Blender 2.43
See Release Notes/Notes243 for changes in this Version of Blender.
- to doAdd/Update the information about DupliGroup and DupliFaces
- to doAdd information about DupliGroup (new page?}
- to doSee also Proxy Objects
- to doAdd content to manual (new page or merge with Dupligroups?)
- to doAdd information about DupliFaces (new page?)
- in progressthedaemon Action Editor Improvements
- in progressthedaemon IPO Editor Improvements
- in progressthedaemon NLA Editor Improvements
- in progressthedaemon Armature Improvements/Fixes
- to doWalk Cycle Modifiers
- to doRigid Bodies
- to doMaterial Nodes
- to doRenderer Improvements
- to doOther
- to doPython
- to doPython Scripts
- doneSergeantOreo Fluid Simulation
- doneRoger Soft Bodies give cloth example that works plz
- doneSergeantOreo Mesh Editing
- doneOreo Modifiers did a check and this stuff has been done by others.
- doneWiki-fy all parts of the Release Notes/Notes243
- doneUser:Marenzelleria - Outliner
- doneMarenzelleria - wiki-fying the release notes
- doneMarenzelleria-Update Manual/The Outliner with new functions
- doneMarenzelleria-Check version number in header
- doneRoger Misc
- doneHoehrer Integrate and Wiki-fy release notes.
- doneRoger Update the information in Manual/PartXIII/DupliFrames
- doneRoger Update the information in Manual/PartXIII/DupliVerts
- doneRoger Check formatting & header of Manual/DisplaceModifier
- doneRoger Check formatting & header of Manual/EdgeSplitModifier
- doneRoger Check formatting & header of Manual/UVProjectModifier
- doneArtificer Displace Modifier can use RGB: Release_Notes/Notes243/Modifiers
- doneUser:LetterRip - Multi Resolution Mesh
- doneUser:LetterRip - Retopo
- doneUser:LetterRip - Sculpting Tools Really nice feature btw.
- doneRoger Image Editor
- doneRoger Fast 3D Painting
- doneRoger Texture Brushes
- doneRoger Multiple UV Sets
- doneRoger UV Tools
- doneCD38 Render Baking
- doneRoger Render Passes
- doneRoger New Compositing Nodes
- doneRoger Check if all places use "Channel Key" instead of the previous "Luma Key" or "Luminance Key". No Channel key node in 2.43RC1. Crashes in RC2
- doneRoger Check all current screenshots of new nodes
- doneRoger *whew* Video Sequence Editor write it
- doneRoger Constraints
- doneRoger 2.43 release summary Introduction
- doneRoger Installing Blender
- doneRoger-edited; looks good. Your First Animation in 30 + 30 Minutes Part I
- doneRoger Your First Animation in 30 + 30 Minutes Part II
- doneRoger fixed a lot of nav issues The Interface
- doneRogerThe Vital Functions
- doneRoger Undo and Redo
- doneRogerBlender's Library and Data System
- doneRoger relocated to mat and compos; removed from intro Node Editor
- doneRoger relo Using Nodes
Roger Interaction in 3D
- doneRoger Navigating in 3D Space
- doneRoger Using the 3D View
- doneRoger 3D View Options
- doneRoger Camera View
- doneRoger leveled outline Layers
- doneRoger added headers Local or Global View
- doneRoger Manipulation in 3D Space:
- doneRoger Hotkeys
- doneRoger Manipulators
- doneRoger Gestures
- doneRoger Axis Locking
- doneRoger Pivot Points
- doneRoger Proportional Edit
- doneRoger Transform Properties
Roger Scene Management
- doneRoger Working with Scenes and Layouts
- doneMarenzelleria Roger new filters The Outliner Window
- doneRoger Using Linked Libraries
- doneRoger Modelling
- doneRoger Objects:
- doneRoger Selecting Objects
- doneRoger Editing Objects
- doneRoger Groups and Parenting
- doneHoehrer Duplication
- doneRoger Tracking
- to doupdate needed? Meshes
- to doupdate needed? Selecting Meshes
- to doupdate needed? Basic Mesh Tools
- to doupdate needed? Edge and Face Tools
- to doupdate needed? Vertex Groups
- to doupdate needed? Weight Paint
- to doupdate needed? Subdivision Surfaces
- in progressN. Bishop (?), IamInnocent ('Need revision by other users': essentially a port of the content of the release notes with slight text correction. Multires
- in progressN. Bishop (?), IamInnocent (Same comment as Multires plus Wikification) SculptMode
- in progressN. Bishop (?), IamInnocent ('Same comment as Multires plus tutorial need a new home and Wikification of the text to come) Retopo
- to doupdate needed? Curves
- to doupdate needed? Editing Curves
- to doupdate needed? Surfaces
- to doupdate needed? Editing Surfaces
- to doupdate needed? Text
- to doupdate needed? Editing Text
- to doupdate needed? Meta Objects
- to doupdate needed? Editing Meta Objects
- to doupdate needed? Modelling Scripts
- doneRoger Modifiers & Deformation
- doneRoger all modifiers re-sorted into alpha order as per latest menu.
- doneRoger Manual/UVProject Modifier
Roger - review, added textures, looks good. Lighting
Roger added raytrace thickness, pics, etc. Materials
- doneIamInnocent Using Materials
(The sceen captures have been redone to 2.43 interface and divided one per panel for tidiness. Every redundancy with the several following sections of this chapter has been clipped off.)
- doneall other sections reviewed; looks good. Material Preview through Halos
- to doupdate needed? Node Materials
- to doupdate needed? Material Node Types
Roger-all sections reviewed. looks good. Textures
- doneRoger-added csu hyperlink, recent brick texture Texture Plugins
Roger - rewrite of entire section Painting and Unwrapping Your Mesh
- doneRoger Using Vertex Paint
- doneRoger UV Unwrapping Explained
- doneRoger Unwrapping a Mesh
- doneRoger Editing the UV Layout
- doneRoger Using Images as UV Textures
- doneRoger Using Texture Paint
- doneRoger - all sections Worlds & Backgrounds
Roger-total re-edit job. Animation Basics
- in progressthedaemon Character Animation & Armatures
- in progressthedaemon Armature Objects
- in progressthedaemon Editing Armatures
- in progressthedaemon Posing Armatures
- in progressthedaemon Inverse Kinematics
- in progressthedaemon Mesh Skin Weighting
- in progressthedaemon The Action Editor
- in progressthedaemon Non Linear Animation
- in progressthedaemon Advanced Animation
- in progressthedaemon Ipo Drivers
to do
update needed? Effects & Physical Simulation
- to doupdate needed? Particles
- to doupdate needed? Static Particles (Hair)
- to doupdate needed? Soft Bodies
- to doupdate needed? Force Fields & Deflection
- to doupdate needed? Rigid Bodies
- to doupdate needed? Fluid Simulation
Roger Rendering
- doneRoger Oversampling (Antialiasing)
- to doupdate needed? Rendering Options
- to doupdate needed? Rendering Animations
- to doupdate needed?-FFMPEG Output Formats
- doneRoger The Render Passes
- to doupdate needed! Need author familiar with Yafray! Help! YafRay
Roger Compositing
- doneRoger Using Nodes for Composition
- in progressRoger Compositing Nodes - need to copy the Node Editor and working with nodes SPECIFIC TO COMPO here, and remove from Intro
- doneRoger Input Nodes
- doneRoger Output Nodes
- doneRoger Color Nodes
- doneRoger Vector Nodes
- doneRoger Filter Nodes
- doneRoger Convertor Nodes
- doneRoger Matte Nodes
- doneRoger Distort Nodes
- to doupdate needed? Using Render Layers
- Common composition node setups
- to doupdate needed? Using Vector Blur
- to doupdate needed? Using Nodes to Blur Your Background
- to doupdate needed? Using Nodes to Simulate Depth of Field (DOF)
- to doupdate needed? Using Nodes to Enhance Photographs
Roger Video Sequence Editing
- doneRoger Video Sequences
- to doupdate needed? Audio Sequences
to do
update needed? Extending Blender
- to doupdate needed? Bundled Scripts
- to doupdate needed? Python Scripting
- to doupdate needed? Blender's Plugins System